Beauty Blogs
Mageline Collagen Beauty Drinks FAQ

As you get older and collagen production declines, fine lines and wrinkles, loose skin, skin discoloration, and dryness can occur. This Mageline Collagen Beauty Drink promotes glowing and vibrant skin, preserves skin firmness and elasticity, helping it to appear more youthful and healthy, reducing fine lines, wrinkles and dryness. It also helps stimulate the production of new collagen, significantly reducing skin aging while making your complexion smoother, healthier and more radiant.Not only does each bottle contain 6,000 milligrams of small-molecule fish collagen from Europe's deep sea, it also contains a luxurious ingredient of roe essence (tightening anti-wrinkle). This collagen supplement is designed to...
Say Goodbye to Blackheads!

祛黑头水 Say goodbye to blackheads!3-in-1 solution to remove blackheads, sebum control and pore refineMageline Blackhead Remover Water (30ml) contains high-purity plant extracts, is gently formulated to dissolve blackheads, unclog pores, absorb excess oil and deep clean blemish-causing impurities. Designed to soothe irritated skin and shrink the appearance of pores for a more radiant, glowing complexion. Usage After cleansing and applying toner, apply Mageline Blackhead Remover Water on the affected areas (don't have to wash your face after), then continue with your usual skincare routine. Use it 1-2 times a week. Suitable for all skin types. Not suitable for severe acne skin.IngredientsWater, Propylene Glycol, Butanediol,...
The Legend of Hao Lan 2019 皓镧传 - another programme proudly sponsored by Mageline 麦吉丽
The Legend of Hao Lan 皓镧传 2019 - another programme proudly sponsored by Mageline 麦吉丽 after Yanxi Palace 延禧攻略, Keep Running, Running Man 奔跑吧兄弟, Sing! China 中国好声音, 三个院子, I Actor 演员的品格 and many more...
Mageline Purifying Snowy Night Cream - Best Solutions for Freckles and Pigmentation Skin

What are the main causes of pigmentation?1. Monthly menses is not fully discharged2. Waste buildup in intestines, resulting in the formation of toxins3. Pregnancy4. Hormone imbalance5. Mood swings; Depression6. Hereditary freckles7. Hormone disrupting ingredients in beauty products8. Lead, mercury and arsenic ingredients in beauty products9. Dark spots that are left after acne lesions heal, develops when the inflammation inherent in acne lesions causes skin cells to produce more melanin10. Age spots11, Improper handling of laser treatment12. Sunburn, excessive UV exposure 分析一下,女生长斑,你让了几条‼️ 1、每个月产生的例假,会有少量排不干净的!2、肠道垃圾,大肠小肠褶皱处有许多宿便排不干净,产生的毒素日积月累形成斑3、怀孕产生的妊娠斑,蝴蝶斑!4、内分泌紊乱,雌激素分泌失调会产生色斑!5、情致,整容郁郁寡欢,心情不好也会长斑!6、遗传性的雀斑,出生就有!7、激素,化妆品添加激素有快速增白提亮功能!8、铅汞中毒,特别是劣质化妆品铅汞砷成分超标,肌肤慢性蓄积中毒引起色素沉淀!9、粉刺,痘痕,痤疮,皮肤破损感染会留坑留疤,长斑!10、老年斑!11,激光治疗操作不当会引起皮肤炎症性色素沉着!12,晒斑、过度紫外线暴晒会引起炎症性色素沉淀! 雀斑是怎么形成的?? 正常人体内含有许多毒素,特别是在肠道内。当人体植物神经紊乱,尤其是副交感神经活动减弱时,肠液的分泌减少,肠的蠕动减弱,粪便在肠内长期停留,毒素被吸收,当这些毒素含量过高时,便会随着血液循环沉积在皮肤上,从而形成色斑或青春痘 麦吉丽净肤雪颜晚霜【祛斑霜】 💛淡化斑点,肌肤自然美白💛可以深层溶解黑色素,分解色斑💛适合天生雀斑,平时不注重护理肌肤💛适合皮肤黑黄,暗沉无光泽 ❶采取德国专利纳米速效缓释技术,根据中医君臣佐使理论配比,萃取中药精华,独特全息吸收配方,保证淡斑高效和安全。 ❷白芷改善微循环,可避免黑色素沉着,令面部血脉通和,改善晒斑雀斑。人参精华活肤成分有效抗衰抗氧化,促进水油平衡,为肌肤补足元气,驱走黄气。银杏黄酮精华针对内分泌失调引起的妊娠斑黄褐斑等,磁铁般吸走毒素,由内而外改善肤色。 ❸含蚕丝蛋白水解精华,10秒钟内渗入肌肤真皮层被吸收,改善细胞代谢,深层逐个祛除已有黑色素,修复受损皮肤。 ❹坚持使用击退斑,阻挡未来斑生成,令肌肤润白通透,紧致嫩滑,白净无瑕。温和无刺激,长期使用,天下无斑。 💖💖想美白、补水、祛斑建议【素颜三部曲】+【雪颜晶透系列】+【祛斑霜】☀白天 素颜三部曲🌙晚上 雪颜晶透系列+祛斑霜这样搭配,净化黑色素同时,让皮肤持久水润💦效果非常好👍🏻祛斑的同时皮肤也达到更加美白水润效果! 让你素颜也自信💕 A myriad of herbal extracts penetrate...
Mageline Black Tea and Lavender Mask + Mageline Magic Beauty Brightening Mask = Soothing and Hydrating Treatment

为什么要做面膜?? 答案是:面膜,可以溶解死皮,清除掉大量繁殖的细菌和螨虫; 科学家发现每2-3天堆积一层死皮,建议我们每2-3天做一次面膜;随着年龄的增加,新陈代谢越来越缓慢,脸上堆积死皮的速度越来越快,做面膜的频率也要越来越多,每2-3天或者是每1-2天。甚至是每天,这就是为什么需要保养的原因哦!Magelic Black Tea and Lavender Mask Black tea extract has high antioxidant that can help protect your cells from DNA damage. It helps defend skin against free radicals and smooth out wrinkles, and restore radiance to dull skin. Aloe vera extract is the perfect remedy for sunburned and sensitive skin, soothing and hydrating, has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties to reduce acne and infection, lighten blemishes and accelerate skin healing process. Natural lavender extract improves the circulation by adding oxygen to the skin cells, soothes the skin, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that can fight the bacteria that cause acne and inflammation. It relieves itching and reduces the...