Mageline Sparkline Eye Dual Ended Mascara
Mageline Sparkline Eye Dual Ended Mascara
Mageline Sparkline Eye Dual Ended Mascara
Mageline Sparkline Eye Dual Ended Mascara
Mageline Sparkline Eye Dual Ended Mascara
Mageline Sparkline Eye Dual Ended Mascara
Mageline Sparkline Eye Dual Ended Mascara
Mageline Sparkline Eye Dual Ended Mascara
Mageline Sparkline Eye Dual Ended Mascara
Mageline Sparkline Eye Dual Ended Mascara
Mageline Sparkline Eye Dual Ended Mascara

Mageline Sparkline Eye Dual Ended Mascara

Regular price RM134.00 MYR Sale price RM164.00 MYR

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Mageline Sparkline Eye Dual-Ended Mascara - lengthening, volumizing, clump-free, waterproof, and flake-free. Separating lashes and creating a subtle look. Everyone loved the thicker formula, which made lashes more defined and enhanced. Runs on smoothly, added lots of volume, and lengthened without flaking or smudging all day long. Even folks with the most sensitive eyes can wear this mascara all day long. So easy to use, and no clumping in sight.

重磅新品 -告别熊猫眼,星眸美睫不掉线!

害怕“苍蝇腿”、“熊猫眼”晕妆尴尬?告别熊猫眼, 卷翘美睫不掉线. 还在艳羡他人浓密自然的睫毛?

麦吉丽星眸双头睫毛膏全新上市. 持久卷翘定型,根根纤长分明. 一大一小,两种刷头, 赋予你“睫”然不同的明媚双眸. 卷翘如羽扇般的自然美睫,一刷即有!

全新双头设计, 睫毛纤长升级
1. 纤巧球形大刷头,全方位提拉睫毛, 360度广角捕捉睫毛,提拉卷翘塑形, 全角度贴合眼型,立体塑形,塑造立体卷翘的浓密美睫,双眸即刻放大.

2. 纤细直型小刷头,轻松捕捉细短睫毛, 2.5mm纤细刷头,捕捉细短睫毛, 照顾每个细节,捕捉涂抹细短睫毛, 塑造根根分明的自然纤长美睫, 即使是新手小白也能轻松掌控. 

采用天然矿物色粉,精研浓黑配方, 膏体轻盈顺滑,有效贴合睫毛, 简单一刷睫毛浓密自然纤长, 独特复配成膜剂体系, 软膜拉长睫毛放大双眼, 硬膜快速固色定型, 卷翘美睫不掉线, 还有独特蜜蜡科技, 长效持妆防晕染, 双眸一整天都睛采无限!

百变妆效,双眸全天精致在线, 一支睫毛膏满足多种妆效, 麦吉丽星眸双头睫毛膏, 让你时刻保持精致眼眸, 眨眼间的风情,便能让TA一秒沉迷, 纤细直型小刷头+纤巧球形大刷头, 满足日常通勤,也能Hold住下班聚会, 全新麦吉丽星眸双头睫毛膏, 多倍纤长,根根分明, 持久卷翘定型, 让你持续绽放魔力魅眼!从此拥有“睫”然不同的明媚双眸!



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