Mageline Multi-Effect Cleanser for Men
Size: 120g
Product Descriptions
Double amino acids formula, mildly cleanses the skin. Skin friendly and not irritating. A refreshing & soothing cleanser features a non-drying, botanical formula to gently exfoliate skin and remove dirt and dead skin cells, deep cleansing, balancing moisture and sebum, hydrating, brightening skin tone, and revitalizing the skin. Eliminates blackheads, whiteheads, and acnes. Suitable for all skin types.
Apply an appropriate amount on clean wet hands and form a lather, massage your face in gentle circular motions for 1-2 minutes.
Water, Stearic Acid, Palmitic Acid, Myristic Acid, Lauric Acid, Potassium Hydroxide, Potassium Cocoyl Glycinate, Sodium Lauroyl, Glycerin, Crystanthellum Indicum Extract, Camellia Sinensis Extract, Panax Ginseng Root Extract, etc.
美容护肤不仅仅是女人的专利, 男士肌肤同样脆弱!过多的户外运动, 熬夜, 喝酒应酬使男士皮肤新陈代谢偏快, 容易发生皮肤暗淡, 泛油, 长痘的情况. 长时间不护理就会使肌肤干燥, 粗糙, 松驰, 失去光泽, 毛孔粗大, 加速皮肤衰老. 双重氨基酸复配成分搭配天然植萃精华,温和祛除污垢和老废角质,深层清洁肌肤,击退油光,对抗黑头,丰富绵密的泡沫,水润不紧绷,锁水更保湿,加倍呵护升级!给肌肤强劲苏醒, 型男必备.
丰富绵密的泡沫, 清爽舒适, 温和祛除污垢和老废角质, 深层清洁肌肤, 调理水油平衡, 收缩毛孔, 补水保湿, 提亮肤 色, 洗后净爽不紧绷, 一扫倦容, 令肌肤焕 发活力光采。
取适量本品,加水揉出泡沫,在 脸部轻轻打圈按摩,再以清水洗净。
水、硬脂酸、棕搁酸、肉豆冠酸、月桂 酸、氢氧化钾、椰油酞甘氨酸钾、月桂酞谷氨酸 钠、甘油、丙二醇、轻乙基纤维素、聚季按盐 -7、丙烯酸(酉韵类共聚物、甲基椰油酞基牛磺 酸钠、椰油酞胺MEA. DMDM乙内酞昵、甲基 异曝哩琳酮、金黄洋甘菊提取物、茶提取物、百里香提取物、人参(Panax Ginseng) 根提取物、墨角藻(Fucus Vesiculosus)提取 物、光果甘草(Glycyrrhiza Glabra)根提取 物、抗坏血酸磷酸醋钠、生育酚乙酸酩、ED丁A 二钠、丁经甲苯