Mageline Blackhead Vacuum Remover
Mageline Blackhead Vacumm Remover can effectively and gently remove blackheads and whiteheads easily! Easy to operate and is designed with soft suction head to remove the blackheads, whiteheads, dirt and impurities, and will not hurt your skin. It also helps to tighten the skin, cleanse and clear the pores, exfoliate the skin and eliminate dead skin cells.
Mageline Blackhead Vacumm Remover can effectively and gently remove blackheads and whiteheads easily! Easy to operate and is designed with soft suction head to remove the blackheads, whiteheads, dirt and impurities, and will not hurt your skin. It also helps to tighten the skin, cleanse and clear the pores, exfoliate the skin and eliminate dead skin cells.
Mageline Blackhead Vacumm Remover can effectively and gently remove blackheads and whiteheads easily! Easy to operate and is designed with soft suction head to remove the blackheads, whiteheads, dirt and impurities, and will not hurt your skin. It also helps to tighten the skin, cleanse and clear the pores, exfoliate the skin and eliminate dead skin cells.
Mageline Blackhead Vacumm Remover can effectively and gently remove blackheads and whiteheads easily! Easy to operate and is designed with soft suction head to remove the blackheads, whiteheads, dirt and impurities, and will not hurt your skin. It also helps to tighten the skin, cleanse and clear the pores, exfoliate the skin and eliminate dead skin cells.
Mageline Blackhead Vacumm Remover can effectively and gently remove blackheads and whiteheads easily! Easy to operate and is designed with soft suction head to remove the blackheads, whiteheads, dirt and impurities, and will not hurt your skin. It also helps to tighten the skin, cleanse and clear the pores, exfoliate the skin and eliminate dead skin cells.
Mageline Blackhead Vacumm Remover can effectively and gently remove blackheads and whiteheads easily! Easy to operate and is designed with soft suction head to remove the blackheads, whiteheads, dirt and impurities, and will not hurt your skin. It also helps to tighten the skin, cleanse and clear the pores, exfoliate the skin and eliminate dead skin cells.
Mageline Blackhead Vacumm Remover can effectively and gently remove blackheads and whiteheads easily! Easy to operate and is designed with soft suction head to remove the blackheads, whiteheads, dirt and impurities, and will not hurt your skin. It also helps to tighten the skin, cleanse and clear the pores, exfoliate the skin and eliminate dead skin cells.
Mageline Blackhead Vacumm Remover can effectively and gently remove blackheads and whiteheads easily! Easy to operate and is designed with soft suction head to remove the blackheads, whiteheads, dirt and impurities, and will not hurt your skin. It also helps to tighten the skin, cleanse and clear the pores, exfoliate the skin and eliminate dead skin cells.
Mageline World

Mageline Blackhead Vacuum Remover

Regular price RM320.00 MYR RM0.00 MYR

Mageline Blackhead Vacuum Remover

Most of us look for clear, bright and youthful-looking skin. There are thousands of products on the market that promise a radiant, flawless complexion, but the reality is that many of them don’t deliver. One of the most common skin problems people face is blocked pores, which can increase the risk of unsightly blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples.

If you’re looking for products that will cleanse and purify the skin and keep unwanted blackheads and spots at bay, blackhead vacuums – also known as pore cleansers – represent an excellent investment.

Our user friendly Blackhead Vacuum Remover can effectively and gently remove blackheads and whiteheads easily! Easy to operate and is designed with soft suction head to remove the blackheads, whiteheads, dirt and impurities, and will not hurt your skin. It also helps to tighten the skin, cleanse and clear the pores, exfoliate the skin and eliminate dead skin cells.

With 3 different suction levels, you can customize the device to suit your skin type and the type of problem you want to address. It’s very easy to swap heads, and the device is designed for use either once or twice a week. Suitable for sensitive skin

3-level frequency convertion to absorb dirt. Gently cleans blackheads without hurting the skin. Built-in mild blue ray waves to deeply purify skin, repair damaged skin and make skin smooth and refreshed.

2 types of customized suckers to easily and flexible switch between. Oval-hole beauty massager for full-face cleaning, specially designed to clean acne. Round-hole massager for fragile skin, also applicable for the corners of nose.

Mild blue ray waves gently repair and minimize pores, bring a luxurious skincare experience.

Customized suction levels to eliminate blackheads without leaving any trace. User-friendly suction regulation for comfortable experience. Accurately cleans away stubborn blackheads.

Level 1/Mild: basic and daily skin care (for fragile skin)

Level 2/Medium: skin care for special sites (T-zone areas and oily skin)

Level 3/Intense: in-depth skin care (for skin with enlarged pores and distinct blackheads)

1. Take off the protection cap, press and hold the power button for 2 seconds. Press the level button to switch among the levels.

2. Move the machine on the face to absorb dirt. Each contact should not be longer than 2 seconds.

3. Proceed to skincare routine. Wash face with water or apply hydrating/soothing mask.

4. After using, take off the sucker and soak it in soapy water for 5 mins and air dry. The cleaning brush may also be used for cleaning.

Tips: For better results, exfoliate your skin with Mageline Brown Sugar Revitalising Cleansing Mask, or place a hot towel on your face to open up your pores, you may apply 1-2 drops of Mageline Magic Blackhead Remover Water on the T-zone areas to soften the blackheads and whiteheads, then use the Mageline Blackhead Vacuum Remover to vacuum and remove the blackheads and whiteheads. Recommended to put on Mageline Magic Beauty Brightening Facial Mask for 20-25 mins for better results.


深层净化 | 温和吸附 | 蓝光修护 | 腻美肤

3段变频吸附,洁净黑头不伤肤. 温和吸附,深层净化肌肤,更有篮光加持俢护细腻焕活肌肤。 

定制3档吸力,人性化吸力调控更舒适祛“黑头”不留痕. 吸出黑头,减少油脂,减少粉刺. 2款定制吸头,灵动自由切换.

温和蓝光光波, 舒缓修护,收敛细腻毛孔,给肌肤奢宠体验。

Mageline Blackhead Vacuum Remover

2款定制吸头,灵动自由切换。 椭圆形美容头,适用于全脸,粉、吸附专用。小圆孔美容头,脆弱肌肤适用,亦可用于鼻翼翼沟壑处。

1挡 / 弱:曰常基础护理(适合脆弱敏感肌肤使用)

2挡 / 中:特定部位护理(适合T区,油脂分泌旺盛肌肤使用)

3 挡 / 强;深层洁净护理(适合毛孔扩张,黑头明显的肌肤使用)



1. 取下保护盖,长接2秒开关机键,短按吸附等级调节键
2. 移动式吸附,每次吸附不超过2秒
3. 吸完护肤,清水洗脸或敷面膜
4. 使用后,取下吸附头,用肥皂水浸泡5分钟,风干即可


1.使用前:先洗热水澡或热敷,确保毛孔完全打开,保持面部湿润哦. 配合黄糖效洁肤面膜 / 轻敷5分钟 魔力祛黑头水使用效果更佳. 

2. 使用中:在用去黑头仪配合使用去除面部及鼻部黑头, 把产品放在皮肤上来回慢慢推移,不要在同一个地方停留太长时间哦,以免损伤肌肤。可以吸出油脂、白头、粉刺和比较浅的黑头。如果黑头比较深,最好配合魔力祛黑头水一起使用哦!一次吸不出来不要紧,每次不要用太久,用一段时间,一两周左右,比较深的黑头就出来了,并且不会留下疤痕的。

3.使用后:可以配合魔力焕颜蚕丝面膜静安肌肤, 再做后续的保养。

Mageline Blackhead Vacuum Remover

Mageline Blackhead Vacuum Remover

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