Promotion: Mageline Brightening and Anti-Aging Gift Set (10th Anniversary Limited Edition)
Mageline World

Promotion: Mageline Brightening and Anti-Aging Gift Set (10th Anniversary Limited Edition)

Regular price RM1,104.00 MYR Sale price RM1,416.00 MYR

Pre order eta 7-10 days 

 This gift box includes
1 x Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion 150ml
1 x Mageline Whitening Dark Spot Fading Essence 50ml
1 x Magelne Reverse Time Age Defying Facial Cream 50g
3 x Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion 40ml

Step 1: Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion 150ml

Product Descriptions
This deep hydrating lotion with rick yeast extract helps to further cleanse the skin and replenish skin moisture and revive dull skin, while balancing water and oil secretion. Rich yeast extract can promote metabolism, lock in moisture, inhibit melanin production and prevent blackheads and whiteheads. Witch hazel extract soothes and heals the skin, excreting impurities, prevents breakouts, diminishes dullness, firming and rejuvenates the skin. Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin, and safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Step 2: Mageline Whitening Dark Spot Fading Essence 50ml 

Product Descriptions
Brighten and even out skin tone in 2 weeks’ time to reveal lustrous younger look!
Mageline Instant Glow Revolutionary Technology MAGE-WHIT. 22.11% brightening factors complex, effectively combats dullness, one bottle to start skin self-illuminating mode. 15 million potent brightening yeast essence, 99.9% high-purity niacinamide from Switzerland Radiance brightening ingredients penetrate skin for increased luminosity, multi-dimensionally accelerate renewal, awaken translucent glowing skin. The lightweight emulsion texture is instantly absorbed, fresh and moisturizing, providing lasting moisture and lustre, suitable for all skin types including sensitive skin. Scientifically brightens skin from 5-dimension, precisely targets pigmentation for brightening from inside out. Inhibits dullness in skin and preventing melanin formation.
Prevents deposition transmission, disintegrating dark deposits. Gently exfoliates acne marks and flaws, re-boosting moisture lustre. Strengthens barrier by anti-oxidation, resisting pollution damage. Overall accelerates renewal and brightens layer by layer, revealing flawless lustre skin.

Step 3: Mageline Reverse Time Age Defying Facial Cream 50g

Product Descriptions
7-day Anti-Aging and Anti-Gravity Cream for Firmer and Smoother Skin.  117 Innovative anti-aging technology. Cell rejuvenation powerhouse, energises skin for firmer and youthful look. 100 million fermenting anti-aging factors  - Deeply activates cell energy ATP, regains tender, smooth and instant glowing skin. 1 million plant stem cells -
Iconic anti-aging Tri-XCell, renews collagen to regain youthful skin. 7 days to accelerate firming and smoothing - REGU Flash, the exclusive specialised firming peptide, fades and prevents stubborn fine lines and wrinkles.  1 bottle for youthful renewal, satisfied anti-aging demands of multiple age groups. Tightens mandibular line, plumps cheeks, fades nasolabial folds.

Aged 20: fights against early aging, prevents first fine lines
Aged 30: prevents slackness to firm skin and fades fine lines and wrinkles.
Aged 40: improves loose and sagging skin to tighten contour.

Soft and creamy texture is moisturising but non-greasy, melting upon application and fast absorption. Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.


不光可以补水保湿,更能平衡水油,修护肌底,提亮肤色,几乎满足你对化妆水的全部想象!这款平衡水含有92.7%精纯高活性酵母精华,透明质酸、北美金缕梅等成分,美白同时深度补水,同时平衡水油分泌,能为肌肤深度补水锁水,打开肌肤吸收通道,加乘后续护肤吸收力!是化妆水,也是精华水!麦吉丽平衡水是蕴含酵母精华成分的水状保养品,也是修护肌底的精华水. 小分子,更易吸收, 高效渗透皮下五层结构深度补水祛黄,同时平衡水油分泌,丰富的酵母精华能促进新陈代谢,保湿嫩肤,抑制黑色素生成,金缕梅提取物能帮助肌肤排出浊质,减退黯哑,平衡水油,预防痘痘生成,集保湿、美白紧致、嫩肤、平衡水油于一体。焕活肌肤细胞活力, 再造完美肤质。

独家光感黑科技MAGE-WHIT,富含22.11%科学焕亮因子,高起效量添加1500万焕亮精粹,五维高效亮肤,温和提亮不挑肤. 卓效击退暗沉,一瓶开启肌肤自发光模式.
轻润乳液质地,强保湿好吸收, 匀净无瑕,2周透现光感年轻肌‼️
𝟏. 独有先端高科技术MAGE-WHIT, 22.11%亮肤成分科学复配添加,高效温和亮肤
𝟐. 高起效量添加1500万焕亮醇母精粹,多维加速肌肤代谢速度,焕新光感年轻肌肤. 硬核亮肤成分,滴滴深透焕亮,多少维加速焕新,唤醒肌肤剔透光采.
𝟑. 99.9%高纯度烟酰胺5%高起效量添加,提亮效果比3%浓度更明显,比10%浓度肤感更温和稳定;精纯提炼杂质少,复配泛醇舒缓加持,耐受不刺激,强维稳不挑肤
𝟒. 五维科学亮肤,精准狙击沉积
    1. 肌底抑制暗沉生成, 深源预防黑化
    2. 阻止沉积传递到表皮
    3. 温和剥落表皮痘印瑕疵
    4. 抗氧化强韧屏障、抵御污染损伤
    5. 全面加速肌肤代谢焕新,链路式层层焕亮,耀现肌肤无瑕光采
𝟓. 更添加多肽紧致成分,科学温和亮肤的同时更能长效紧致保湿,平滑肌肤纹理,让肌肤匀净、透亮、紧致
𝟔. 轻润乳液质地,一抹快速吸收持久保湿,滋润不油腻,不挑肤质不搓泥

3. 麦吉丽逆时光御龄奢宠面霜
对抗地心引力,开启肌肤“逆龄”焕变. 【细胞级】创研117核心抗老新科技,细胞年轻能量激活站,实力见证紧致年轻!1亿发酵抗老因子“麦肤因” 深入激活细胞年轻能量ATP, 焕新肌肤细腻弹滑。 1百万植物干细胞, 系列灵魂抗衰老成分Tri-XCell, 胶原新生逆转肌龄。

7天超速紧致淡纹, 独家专研紧致REGU-Flash,淡化顽固纹,预防新生纹。一瓶焕活年轻,满足多年龄抗老需求, 纤紧下颌线,饱满苹果肌,抚褪法令纹.


7天超速紧致淡纹, 全面对抗地心引力,击退暗沉、粗糙、细纹、干燥等多重肌肤问题, 实力拯救初老肌,重焕年轻细腻光采! 


全球权威检测机构SGS实测, 1次使用:
SGS Clinical Results after 1 application:
Fine lines & Wrinkles 纹路减少 -23.64%
Forehead Lines 抬头纹 -21.83%
Laugh Lines 鼻唇沟皱纹 -25.6%
Crow's Feet 鱼尾纹 -25.42%
Firmness 紧实度 +41.40%
Brightening 透亮度 +28.67%
Smoothness 细腻柔滑 +99%"


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