Vida Glow Hairology. Lengthen. Strengthen. Repair. As part of your daily routine, Hairology delivers longer, thicker hair by reducing hair thinning and supporting hair growth.
Vida Glow Hairology. Lengthen. Strengthen. Repair. As part of your daily routine, Hairology delivers longer, thicker hair by reducing hair thinning and supporting hair growth.
Vida Glow Hairology. Lengthen. Strengthen. Repair. As part of your daily routine, Hairology delivers longer, thicker hair by reducing hair thinning and supporting hair growth.
Vida Glow Hairology. Lengthen. Strengthen. Repair. As part of your daily routine, Hairology delivers longer, thicker hair by reducing hair thinning and supporting hair growth.
Vida Glow Hairology. Lengthen. Strengthen. Repair. As part of your daily routine, Hairology delivers longer, thicker hair by reducing hair thinning and supporting hair growth.
Vida Glow Hairology. Lengthen. Strengthen. Repair. As part of your daily routine, Hairology delivers longer, thicker hair by reducing hair thinning and supporting hair growth.
Vida Glow Hairology. Lengthen. Strengthen. Repair. As part of your daily routine, Hairology delivers longer, thicker hair by reducing hair thinning and supporting hair growth.
Vida Glow Hairology. Lengthen. Strengthen. Repair. As part of your daily routine, Hairology delivers longer, thicker hair by reducing hair thinning and supporting hair growth.
Vida Glow Hairology. Lengthen. Strengthen. Repair. As part of your daily routine, Hairology delivers longer, thicker hair by reducing hair thinning and supporting hair growth.
Vida Glow Hairology. Lengthen. Strengthen. Repair. As part of your daily routine, Hairology delivers longer, thicker hair by reducing hair thinning and supporting hair growth.
Vida Glow Hairology. Lengthen. Strengthen. Repair. As part of your daily routine, Hairology delivers longer, thicker hair by reducing hair thinning and supporting hair growth.
Vida Glow Hairology. Lengthen. Strengthen. Repair. As part of your daily routine, Hairology delivers longer, thicker hair by reducing hair thinning and supporting hair growth.
Mageline World

Vida Glow Hairology

Regular price RM263.50 MYR Sale price RM302.50 MYR

30 capsules/bottle

Lengthen. Strengthen. Repair. As part of your daily routine, Hairology delivers longer, thicker hair by reducing hair thinning and supporting hair growth.

Hairology is a once-daily ingestible capsule from Vida Glow’s Advanced Repair range. Hair sheds every day as part of its natural renewal cycle. Yet factors affecting hair growth cycles, such as age, stress, hormones and vitamin deficiencies can prompt weakness, damage and excessive shedding. Targeting the cause of thinning lacklustre hair, Hairology optimises the environment necessary for hair to grow and thrive.

Powered by hero active, AnaGain™, and a robust blend of targeted micronutrients that are best for hair growth and thickness, Hairology supports and maintains healthy hair follicles to revitalise and strengthen strands from within. In clinical trials, AnaGain™ visibly reduced hair loss by 34% after 28 days of supplementation.

Integrated into your daily regime, Hairology is formulated as a hair loss solution and a multi-action innovation for hair growth and thickness. Our easy-to-consume vegan capsules are tasteless and odourless. For healthier, fuller-looking hair you can feel good about.

Is Vida Glow Hairology Right For Me?
Hairology is a once-daily beauty supplement for those concerned about their hair’s condition. Thinning, ageing hair caused by stress, hormone changes and vitamin deficiencies. Or weak, lacklustre hair damaged by excessive heat use and colour treatments.

With hero active AnaGain™, and a comprehensive blend of targeted actives and micronutrients, such as biotin, selenium and zinc, it reduces hair shedding and loss, helps support hair growth, and rejuvenates hair follicles for longer, thicker locks. Unlike other hair loss products, Hairology goes beyond the surface to deliver complete hair health.

34% reduction of hair loss after 1 month of treatment
37% reduction of hair loss after 2 months of treatment
86% of participants reported a reduction of hair loss after 8 weeks of treatment
71% of participants perceived an improvement in overall hair condition

What is the difference between Vida Glow Hairology and Vida Glow Marine Collagen?
Hairology is a vegan capsule from Vida Glow’s targeted Advanced Repair range, specifically formulated to reduce hair thinning and support hair growth. Powered by AnaGain™, and a synergy of micronutrients (including zinc and biotin), clinical studies show Hairology helps to promote growth in weak or thinning hair and boost thickness and length for long-term hair health. Whereas marine collagen is a holistic approach to healthy skin, hair and nails.

How long would it take for me to see the results?
The best hair loss treatment for men and women requires diligence. With consistent supplementation, results can be seen in as soon as 28 days. After 8 weeks of daily supplementation, AnaGain™ was able to significantly reduce hair loss by 37%.

Can i continue with my other supplements when taking Vida Glow Hairology?
Yes, Hairology can be used in routine with other Vida Glow products. If you are taking multiple products, we suggest spacing them throughout the day. We also recommend taking Hairology after your biggest meal.

If you are taking any other supplements, such as biotin tablets for hair growth, or medications, we recommend consulting with your healthcare practitioner prior to use.

How is Vida Glow Hairology different?
Hairology is a TGA-listed supplement for anyone experiencing intrinsic hair loss and thinning. Damaged and lifeless locks, or depleted hair health. With herbal extract, AnaGain™, Hairology’s cutting-edge formulation is backed by robust scientific evidence – eliciting visible change to hair and its health.

Is Vida Glow Hairology suitable for all hair types?
Yes. Hairology addresses the root cause of hair loss and overall hair health from within. As a cellular-level solution, Hairology is suitable and beneficial for all hair types.

Can take Vida Glow Hairology when pregnant or breastfeeding?
No, we do not recommend male and female hair growth supplements, like Hairology if you are currently pregnant or breastfeeding.

Vida Glow ingestible supplements are formulated with pure, highly potent ingredients that undergo rigorous testing to ensure safety and efficacy. That said, our clinical trials have only been conducted on non-pregnant women.

Key Ingredients:

A trademarked active derived from pea sprout extract. AnaGain™ is clinically studied to reduce hair loss by 34% after 28 days of supplementation.

Brown seaweed extract with a high nutritional density including fibre, iron, vitamin b12 and polysaccharides. Naturally rich in iodine, it supports healthy thyroid hormones which can help control the growth of healthy hair follicles.

An essential trace mineral that most people require dietary supplementation of. It’s good for hair growth maintenance and decreases hair loss and thinning when dietary intake is inadequate.

A micronutrient rich in antioxidants that protects against oxidative damage known to cause to hair loss.

A B-group vitamin (vitamin h) vital for keratin function and maintaining healthy hair follicles.
Preferably with a meal
100% Vegan and Gluten-Free

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Vida Glow蕴发胶囊

如今随着脱发人群越来越庞大,一头浓密的秀发已经成为美丽、自信的重要标志之一。而脱发不但严重影响颜值, 更是身体健康受到威胁的信号——如何阻止脱发,做回“发量富人”,成为人们越来越重视的问题。

全球口服美容领导品牌Vida Glow多年来持续关注全球用户的健康、美丽需求, 此次特别针对受脱发困扰的人群, 历时2年研发出一款从根源对抗脱发的口服美容新品:Vida Glow蕴发胶囊, 帮助全球爱美人士由内而外再现浓密发量, “从头”焕发健康美丽。

揭秘脱发原因,Vida Glow蕴发胶囊从根源对抗脱发
头发脱落是人体的正常新陈代谢, 但如果掉发过多, 超过每天50-100根的正常数量,就会形成脱发问题。脱发的原因很多,有的人长期熬夜生物钟紊乱, 头发越掉越多, 发际线后移、头顶越来越稀疏,也有的女性产后激素紊乱大把掉头发 ,发缝越来越明显……另外营养摄入不均衡、遗传因素或是精神压力大、经常漂染烫发都有可能让头发越掉越多, 很难找到具体某一个原因对症下药。

Vida Glow在研究过大量医学资料后发现,脱发的根本原因其实是多种因素影响下, 头发正常的生产周期出现了问题,原本的头发生长期持续时间减少, 休止期延长, 新生的头发不足以“填补”脱落的头发,最终恶性循环的结果就是脱发日益严重。

为了从根源解决脱发问题,Vida Glow在新品蕴发胶囊中特别添加了强效活性成分AnaGain™ ,它是一种来自瑞士的有机豌豆苗萃取物, 可以深入毛囊最基底激活两大生发因子, 有效调节头发生长循环周期——其中的FGF7因子可以促进毛发细胞生长增殖, 在它的作用下头发可以更快开启新的生长期, 帮助秀发新生、发量增多;Noggin头蛋白因子则有抑制毛发休止期的作用, 在它的调节下头发不会再掉那么多, 恢复健康发量自然更有希望。


五大独特亮点,Vida Glow蕴发胶囊再现浓密秀发之美
相比普通生发产品,Vida Glow蕴发胶囊特有着五大亮点优势,充分体现了Vida Glow作为全球口服美容领导品牌的领先实力与先进理念。

添加强效活性成分AnaGain™以及经过临床验证的有效结果, 已经让Vida Glow蕴发胶囊成为倍受全球用户期待的防脱发、生发产品,除此之外蕴发胶囊还添加了八大协同成分, 富含墨角藻提取物、生物素、铁、维生素C等多种维生素和微量元素, 可以补充生发所需的维生素和微量元素,全面促进秀发健康再生。

作为澳洲顶级口服美容产品的标志, Vida Glow蕴发胶囊已经通过澳大利亚药监局(TGA)认证备案,功效和安全性都有充分的保障。平时掉发多、发量少,或者正在因为脱发问题而困扰的用户只需每天服用一粒, 就可以由内而外轻松对抗掉发、脱发,实现“焕发生机,从头变美”,重新找回令人羡慕的浓密发量。

作为长期受到澳洲和全球用户喜爱的现象级口服美容品牌, 从经典明星产品海洋胶原蛋白到新品蕴发胶囊,Vida Glow不断通过创新的口服产品解决用户最为关注的美容问题。在长期服用Vida Glow海洋胶原蛋白的过程中, 很多用户已经发现它对于改善头皮环境、改善发质和增加头发光泽度都有明显好处。

Vida Glow在新品发布之际,也建议用户将海洋胶原蛋白和蕴发胶囊搭配服用:海洋胶原蛋白可以在头皮的真皮层中创造出“肥沃的土壤”,蕴发胶囊让本来延迟生长的头发能按时“破土而出”,两者双管齐下,效果更加全面、彻底,秀发再现浓密丰盈指日可待。


⭕ Noggin头蛋白因子

⭕️ 富含墨角藻提取物、生物素、铁、维生素C

只需每天服用一粒随餐或餐后服用, 由内而外对抗掉发、脱发. 

Vida Glow HairologyVida Glow HairologyVida Glow Hairology

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