Mageline Refreshing Oil Control Balancing Toner
Mageline Refreshing Oil Control Balancing Toner. This mild and effective skin care helps balance your skin and dig deep into pores and flush out dirt and toxins, balance your skin's pH, which is incredibly important aspect of preventing breakouts, replenish hydration lost after cleansing. It promotes skin cell turnover, which helps fade post-acne marks, even out the skin over time, decrease surface oils but also help retain moisture so that your skin stays soft, smooth, and pimple-free.
Mageline Refreshing Oil Control Balancing Toner. This mild and effective skin care helps balance your skin and dig deep into pores and flush out dirt and toxins, balance your skin's pH, which is incredibly important aspect of preventing breakouts, replenish hydration lost after cleansing. It promotes skin cell turnover, which helps fade post-acne marks, even out the skin over time, decrease surface oils but also help retain moisture so that your skin stays soft, smooth, and pimple-free.
Mageline Refreshing Oil Control Balancing Toner. This mild and effective skin care helps balance your skin and dig deep into pores and flush out dirt and toxins, balance your skin's pH, which is incredibly important aspect of preventing breakouts, replenish hydration lost after cleansing. It promotes skin cell turnover, which helps fade post-acne marks, even out the skin over time, decrease surface oils but also help retain moisture so that your skin stays soft, smooth, and pimple-free.
Mageline Refreshing Oil Control Balancing Toner. This mild and effective skin care helps balance your skin and dig deep into pores and flush out dirt and toxins, balance your skin's pH, which is incredibly important aspect of preventing breakouts, replenish hydration lost after cleansing. It promotes skin cell turnover, which helps fade post-acne marks, even out the skin over time, decrease surface oils but also help retain moisture so that your skin stays soft, smooth, and pimple-free.
Mageline Refreshing Oil Control Balancing Toner. This mild and effective skin care helps balance your skin and dig deep into pores and flush out dirt and toxins, balance your skin's pH, which is incredibly important aspect of preventing breakouts, replenish hydration lost after cleansing. It promotes skin cell turnover, which helps fade post-acne marks, even out the skin over time, decrease surface oils but also help retain moisture so that your skin stays soft, smooth, and pimple-free.
Mageline Refreshing Oil Control Balancing Toner. This mild and effective skin care helps balance your skin and dig deep into pores and flush out dirt and toxins, balance your skin's pH, which is incredibly important aspect of preventing breakouts, replenish hydration lost after cleansing. It promotes skin cell turnover, which helps fade post-acne marks, even out the skin over time, decrease surface oils but also help retain moisture so that your skin stays soft, smooth, and pimple-free.
Mageline Refreshing Oil Control Balancing Toner. This mild and effective skin care helps balance your skin and dig deep into pores and flush out dirt and toxins, balance your skin's pH, which is incredibly important aspect of preventing breakouts, replenish hydration lost after cleansing. It promotes skin cell turnover, which helps fade post-acne marks, even out the skin over time, decrease surface oils but also help retain moisture so that your skin stays soft, smooth, and pimple-free.
Mageline World

Mageline Refreshing Oil Control Balancing Toner

Regular price RM180.00 MYR RM0.00 MYR

(formerly known as Acne Clarifying Balancing Toner)
Size, 120ml

This mild toner helps balance your skin and dig deep into pores and flush out dirt and toxins, balance your skin's pH, which is incredibly important aspect of preventing breakouts, replenish hydration lost after cleansing.

This refreshing toner does an incredible job of removing dirt and dead skin cells without irritating sensitive skin. It promotes skin cell turnover, which helps fade post-acne marks, even out the skin over time, decrease surface oils but also help retain moisture so that your skin stays soft and smooth.

This toner can be used twice daily after cleansing and will (literally) lift makeup and residue from your skin and get it out of your life so that your skin remains clean and pimple-free.

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