Natureday A2+ Probiotics Milk Powder (Lactose-Free Milk from New Zealand)
Natureday A2+ Probiotics Milk Powder (Lactose-Free Milk from New Zealand)
Natureday A2+ Probiotics Milk Powder (Lactose-Free Milk from New Zealand)
Natureday A2+ Probiotics Milk Powder (Lactose-Free Milk from New Zealand)
Natureday A2+ Probiotics Milk Powder (Lactose-Free Milk from New Zealand)
Natureday A2+ Probiotics Milk Powder (Lactose-Free Milk from New Zealand)
Natureday A2+ Probiotics Milk Powder (Lactose-Free Milk from New Zealand)
Natureday A2+ Probiotics Milk Powder (Lactose-Free Milk from New Zealand)
Mageline World

Natureday A2+ Probiotics Milk Powder (Lactose-Free Milk from New Zealand)

Regular price RM104.50 MYR Sale price RM117.50 MYR

Size: 850g. Expiry date : 12/2025

Introducing NATUREDAY A2+ Probiotics Formulated Full Cream Milk Powder. Made in New Zealand.

The average person consumes roughly 6,178 litres of milk in their lifetime. Therefore, choosing which dairy product to add to the weekly shopping cart is a vital household decision for a family to make. The human body can really only absorb a small amount of natural nutrients from mainstream milk and often the side effects can outweigh the benefits due to varied gastrointestinal issues.

Optimised Formula
Over the years, NATUREDAY’s scientists have worked hard to discover a solution to this problem with their own inventive formula: 

High Quality A2 Protein x Gut Environment Optimasation = ULTIMATE ABSORPTION

They have then instilled this new-found knowledge into our revolutionary hero product, NATUREDAY’s A2+ Probiotics Formulated Full Cream Milk Powder, an enjoyable formulated full cream family milk that's authentic, delicious and cutting-edge. It's Absorption PLUS.

A2 Premium Nutrtion
NATUREDAY A2+ Probiotics Formulated Full Cream Milk Powder promises to improve bone health, intestinal health and boost immunity.

Precious A2 Protein
Each glass of NATUREDAY A2 + Probiotic milk offers 8.4g of protein, which is the equivalent to 1.4 eggs, 50g of meat or 420g of spinach. 
·   A2 β-casein protein is closer to human breast milk, making it easier to absorb.
·    A2 β-casein protein is free of BCM-7, which is usually found in ordinary A1 protein and can lead to inflammation and constipation. ​ 

Calcium for Bone Health
Each glass of NATUREDAY A2 + Probiotic milk offers 72% of calcium an adult needs each day.
- Natural calcium lactate strengthens bones and teeth, to help bone growth and prevent bone loss.​
 -  Vitamin D3 & Vitamin A helps with calcium absorption ​

Immunity Boost  
Higher levels of natural Vitamin E and C helps to eliminate free radicals and enhance immunity.
- Magnesium helps to maintain normal nerve and muscle function, supports a healthy immune system and helps bones remain strong. It also helps adjust blood glucose levels and aids in the production of energy and protein.​
- Graze free cows are proven to have higher levels of CLA which are good for immunity and bone health.

A Roadmap to Optimal Health
NATUREDAY uses two patented, pharmaceutical grade probiotic strains from the world’s leading supplier, DuPont. Clinical reports prove that when the Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM and Bifidobacterium HN019 strains work together, they create a roadmap towards optimal health.

Dual Probiotics to Optimise Gut Health
Our winning combination of HOWARU Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM + Bifidobacterium HN019, helps deliver healthy digestion and natural immunity. Each glass of NATUREDAY A2 + Probiotics milk contains 1.7 billion probiotics.  

Working Together to Maximise Absorption
When the two strains of probiotics work together, the combination can effectively enhance your digestion and absorption of nutrients including dairy protein, vitamin and mineral elements.

NATUREDAY A2+双益生菌全家配方奶粉

纯正奶源,配方创新,NATUREDAY 为您带来更多营养和享受,为您全家健康保驾护航。



   100% 新西兰 A2 牛奶,仅含有高品质 A2-β酪蛋白,优质亲和人体,贴近天然母乳,肠胃舒适,更易吸收。


优质凯威牛赋予了我们的产品更清甜,香浓和醇厚的风味,让您享用的每一口都成为最愉悦的体验。在纯天然的自由牧场和纯草饲的环境中成长的奶牛,更让我们的奶源中额外带有新鲜黑麦草的清香和甜美,更加香甜,让您日常的乳制品摄入成为一种愉快的享受。每天一杯NATUREDAY 全脂牛奶,每日充满活力。

NATUREDAY,我们只在所有乳制品中使用 A2 牛奶。证明,仅含有 A2-β 酪蛋白的乳制品对人体的整体肠道环境更温和,并且对于 80% 因食用乳制品而感到不适的人来说更容易消化。

唤醒肠道活力, 营养吸收加倍

   高质量A2蛋白 × 肠道环境优化 = 营养最大化吸

  NATUREDAY A2+ 双益生菌全家配方奶粉提供珍贵且丰富的营养,既改善骨骼健康益吸收, 又促肠道健康增强免疫力。它是让每个家庭成员享受健康生活的好牛奶。


   它有健康的脂肪构成,适合人体的 OMEGA-6 OMEGA-3 比例,和更高的共轭亚油酸,更多的Β-胡萝卜素和天然维生素E

1A2+双益生菌奶提供的蛋白质 (8.4g) ,相当于1.4 个鸡蛋,50g猪肉,420g菠菜。

• A2-β 酪蛋白:优质亲和人体,贴近天然母乳,肠胃舒适,更易吸收

• A2 奶源:杜绝普通A1牛奶消化过程中产生的会导致肠道蠕动减缓和肠道炎症的BCM-7


1A2+双益生菌奶提供的钙,相当于2片钙片,能够提供普通成人每天 72% 的钙质所需。

天然乳钙: 强健骨骼和牙齿,帮助骨骼的生长发育, 预防骨质疏松和骨骼衰老

• VD3, VA 促进机体对钙的吸收,促进骨骼生长,强健牙齿;刺激白细胞活性


• VC 提高免疫力,帮助抵抗病毒,预防感染,辅助其它营养素的吸收

• VE 是一种抗氧化剂,能帮助清除自由基,增强人体免疫功能。


嗜酸乳杆菌 NCFM 和双歧杆菌 NH019 是两款符合婴儿配方乳粉标准的药用级益生菌菌株, 这二者结合的黄金配方有助于促进消化和提升自然免疫力。每杯 NATUREDAY A2+ 益生菌牛奶中,就含有17 亿活性益生


当这两种益生菌共同作用时,能够积极地调节肠道微生物环境,为从乳制品中获取营养做好更好的准备,从而促进人体对乳蛋白、维生素、矿物质元素等营养物质的消化和吸收。进整体肠道舒适度、建立健康的肠道菌群和健康的免疫系统, 有助于保持肠道规律,并有助于缓解偶尔的便秘。

NATUREDAY A2+ 双益生菌全家配方奶粉的奶香浓郁,无论是饮用或者用作烘焙和酸奶的原料,风味都俱佳:



儿童伴侣, 孕妇伴侣, 孕期当补钙,营养不用愁
上班族伴侣, 饮食不规律,肠道不适,熬夜加班
老年伴侣, 骨质防疏松,免疫增活力

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