SRW MSC1 Tone - Healthier management of internal ratios between fat & muscle. Msc¹ Tone provides a unique combination of HMB OKG, BHB, with a selection of other ingredients. This combination provides key metabolites and essential nutrients to support muscle tissues and fat metabolism pathways
SRW MSC1 Tone - Healthier management of internal ratios between fat & muscle. Msc¹ Tone provides a unique combination of HMB OKG, BHB, with a selection of other ingredients. This combination provides key metabolites and essential nutrients to support muscle tissues and fat metabolism pathways
SRW MSC1 Tone - Healthier management of internal ratios between fat & muscle. Msc¹ Tone provides a unique combination of HMB OKG, BHB, with a selection of other ingredients. This combination provides key metabolites and essential nutrients to support muscle tissues and fat metabolism pathways
SRW MSC1 Tone - Healthier management of internal ratios between fat & muscle. Msc¹ Tone provides a unique combination of HMB OKG, BHB, with a selection of other ingredients. This combination provides key metabolites and essential nutrients to support muscle tissues and fat metabolism pathways
SRW MSC1 Tone - Healthier management of internal ratios between fat & muscle. Msc¹ Tone provides a unique combination of HMB OKG, BHB, with a selection of other ingredients. This combination provides key metabolites and essential nutrients to support muscle tissues and fat metabolism pathways
SRW MSC1 Tone - Healthier management of internal ratios between fat & muscle. Msc¹ Tone provides a unique combination of HMB OKG, BHB, with a selection of other ingredients. This combination provides key metabolites and essential nutrients to support muscle tissues and fat metabolism pathways
SRW MSC1 Tone - Healthier management of internal ratios between fat & muscle. Msc¹ Tone provides a unique combination of HMB OKG, BHB, with a selection of other ingredients. This combination provides key metabolites and essential nutrients to support muscle tissues and fat metabolism pathways
SRW MSC1 Tone - Healthier management of internal ratios between fat & muscle. Msc¹ Tone provides a unique combination of HMB OKG, BHB, with a selection of other ingredients. This combination provides key metabolites and essential nutrients to support muscle tissues and fat metabolism pathways
SRW MSC1 Tone - Healthier management of internal ratios between fat & muscle. Msc¹ Tone provides a unique combination of HMB OKG, BHB, with a selection of other ingredients. This combination provides key metabolites and essential nutrients to support muscle tissues and fat metabolism pathways
Mageline World

SRW MSC1 (Body Shaping & Toning)

Regular price RM374.50 MYR Sale price RM546.50 MYR

30 sachets / box

Healthier management of internal ratios between fat & muscle. Msc¹ Tone provides a unique combination of HMB OKG, BHB, with a selection of other ingredients. This combination provides key metabolites and essential nutrients to support muscle tissues and fat metabolism pathways.

Burn and sculpt your body from within

- Reduces overall body fat and muscle loss
- Rejuvenates cells, improves muscle quality
- Sculpts the body and tone muscles 
- Accelerate muscle growth and supports body fat metabolism

Formulated for:
- Consumers who require assistance with managing food cravings, low fat metabolism, high body fat
- Stressed lifestyle with no time to manage body in a healthy manner.
- Middle-old age group, less active lifestyle and sitting for long hours, overall muscle loss

Key Benefits:
When the ratio of body fat to muscle is out of balance - the volume of fat cells generally outweighs the amount of muscle cells. Muscle cells tend to exhaust calories, fat cells tend to store calories. The more we store, we exhaust less, and thus our metabolism decreases.

Key Features:
1. OKG Ornithine-Ketoglutarate
Regulates lipid turnover, reduces fat accumulation. OKG is a combination of ornithine and AKG. Ornithine is an amino acid involved in energy and protein metabolism. AKG
supports energy levels, is involved in protein synthesis and is important component to Krebs cycle, the chief energy producing cycle in the body.

2. myHMB® Calcium β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate
Patented myHMB® supports muscle health. myHMB™ is a metabolite of the amino acid leucine, that supports muscle health. HMB has been studied for over 25 years, in over 90 clinical studies and has been shown to support maintenance of muscle development, strength and function.

3. BHB Beta-Hydroxybutyrate
Provides a source of exogenous ketones to support ketosis. Enhances fat burning, regulates cell metabolism, reduces hunger hormone release, manages appetite. BHB Is the most abundant type of ketone produced by the body when accessible calories from
carbohydrates run low. It plays. A role in regulating metabolism and supporting ketosis.

Origin: New Zealand

Ingredients: calcium β-hydroxy B-methylbutyrate, L-ornithine α-ketoglutarate, magnesium 3-hydroxybutyrate, epicatechin, vitamin D3, vitamin C

How to use: 1 sachet per day, mix with 200-250ml of water and stir evenly. The water
temperature to be below 40°C. If an adverse reaction occurs, please stop using and consult your healthcare professional.

Storage: Avoid direct sunlight, please store in a cool and dry place.

→ GMP certified
→ Drug checking by the Ministry of Health of New Zealand
→ United States Pharmacopeia (USP) standard
→ Inspections conducted by SGS in Switzerland
→ A globally recognized benchmark for quality and integrity
→ NMN patent

Q: Who is not recommended to take the product?
A: Children, pregnant women, breastfeeding and pregnancy planning consumers.

Q: Can it be taken with other products? Will there be problems with excessive nutrients?
A: It can be taken together with other products, but please pay attention to the intake of vitamin C and vitamin D consumption. Vitamin C should not exceed UL2000mg/d; vitamin D should not exceed UL50 μg/d.

Q: Do I need to adjust my diet when taking the product?
A: There are no strict diet and exercise requirements, but for the sake of good health, it is recommended to combine a reasonable diet and moderate exercise, and try to avoid overeating.

Msc1 Tone塑形补剂

调节肌肉脂肪比例,轻松塑形. Msc¹塑型粉是一款结合HMB, OKG, BHB和其他精选成分的独特配方产品。这种配方能提供关键代谢因子及必要营养物质,支撑肌肉组织和疏通代谢脂肪所需的途径。

- 促进脂肪褐变,减少体脂
- 促进细胞再生,改善肌肉质量
- 重塑紧致身材,提升基础代谢

- 无法抗拒美食,减脂率低,体脂偏高
- 忙于生活,无法坚持管理身材
- 久坐不动,中老年人群,肌肉流失,下垂松垮

当体内脂肪与肌肉比例失衡, 肌肉细胞数量减少, 脂肪细胞体积增大. 肌肉细胞倾向消耗热量, 脂肪细胞倾向储存热量. 储存多,消耗少,代谢降低.
- 一减 减少脂肪含量,减少肌肉分解
- 二促 促进肌肉合成,促进脂质消耗
- 三紧 紧致肌肉,紧致身材线条

- OKG L-鸟氨酸α-酮戊二酸
调节脂质周转,减少脂肪堆积. OKG L- 鸟氨酸 α- 酮戊二酸是鸟氨酸和AKG的组合。AKG支持能量水平,是Krebs循环的重要组成部分,Krebs循环是人体内主要的能量循环。

- myHMB®
激活卫星细胞,保持肌肉完整性. myHMB™是氨基酸亮氨酸的活性代谢产物,支持维护肌肉健康。BHB已被研究超过25年,在90多项临床研究中被证明可以支持维持肌肉生长,力量和功能.

- BHB β-羟基丁酸
增强脂肪燃烧,调节细胞代谢,减少饥饿激素释放,管理食欲. BHB是肝脏中自然产生的最丰富的酮体。对于调节代谢有支持作用。BHB提供外源性酮体,促进身体进入生酮状态。

→ GMP药品级生产
→ 新西兰政府部门管理的药物检测认证
→ 美国USP药典级标准
→ 瑞士SGS安全检测
→ 全球公认的质量和诚信基准
→ NMN申请专利





Q1 Msc1不推荐哪些人服用?

Q2 可以和其他产品一起服用吗?会出现营养素超标的问题吗?

Q3 服用产品是否需要搭配饮食调整?

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