Mageline Refreshing Oil Control Cream Cleanser
This naturally derived cleanser gently remove sebum excess, dirt and makeup without stripping the skin of its natural oils. It is ideal for breakout-prone skin, combination/oily skin and helps to prevent the occurrence of acne and pimples. This foaming cleanser helps clear acne, reduce acne scars and discoloration, balance oil secretion
This naturally derived cleanser gently remove sebum excess, dirt and makeup without stripping the skin of its natural oils. It is ideal for breakout-prone skin, combination/oily skin and helps to prevent the occurrence of acne and pimples. This foaming cleanser helps clear acne, reduce acne scars and discoloration, balance oil secretion
This naturally derived cleanser gently remove sebum excess, dirt and makeup without stripping the skin of its natural oils. It is ideal for breakout-prone skin, combination/oily skin and helps to prevent the occurrence of acne and pimples. This foaming cleanser helps clear acne, reduce acne scars and discoloration, balance oil secretion
This naturally derived cleanser gently remove sebum excess, dirt and makeup without stripping the skin of its natural oils. It is ideal for breakout-prone skin, combination/oily skin and helps to prevent the occurrence of acne and pimples. This foaming cleanser helps clear acne, reduce acne scars and discoloration, balance oil secretion
This naturally derived cleanser gently remove sebum excess, dirt and makeup without stripping the skin of its natural oils. It is ideal for breakout-prone skin, combination/oily skin and helps to prevent the occurrence of acne and pimples. This foaming cleanser helps clear acne, reduce acne scars and discoloration, balance oil secretion
This naturally derived cleanser gently remove sebum excess, dirt and makeup without stripping the skin of its natural oils. It is ideal for breakout-prone skin, combination/oily skin and helps to prevent the occurrence of acne and pimples. This foaming cleanser helps clear acne, reduce acne scars and discoloration, balance oil secretion
Mageline World

Mageline Refreshing Oil Control Cream Cleanser

Regular price RM112.00 MYR Sale price RM141.00 MYR

(formerly known as Acne Clarifying Balancing Cleanser)
Size: 100g

This naturally derived cleanser gently remove sebum excess, dirt and makeup without stripping the skin of its natural oils. It is ideal for breakout-prone skin, combination/oily skin and helps to prevent the occurrence of acne and pimples. This foaming cleanser helps clear acne, reduce acne scars and discoloration, balance oil secretion. Establish a cleansing routine morning and night to enhance acne-fighting benefits. The amino acid formula with dense and fine foam gently removes facial dirt without tight result, leaving skin refreshed after washing. Effectively unclogs pores, balances oil secretion to prevent acne from formation, soothes and repairs skin, leaving skin cleared, delicate, moisturized and smooth. 

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2. 深层渗透吸收的「平衡水油」调理水
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麦吉丽清痘平衡系列首发, 解决痘痘那些事儿, 让肌肤时刻呈现匀亮光采. 温和清痘、调理修护、淡化痘印、平衡油水. 

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