Promotion: Mageline Thin and Redness Skin Set
Promotion: Mageline Thin and Redness Skin Set
Promotion: Mageline Thin and Redness Skin Set
Promotion: Mageline Thin and Redness Skin Set
Promotion: Mageline Thin and Redness Skin Set
Promotion: Mageline Thin and Redness Skin Set
Promotion: Mageline Thin and Redness Skin Set
Promotion: Mageline Thin and Redness Skin Set
Promotion: Mageline Thin and Redness Skin Set
Promotion: Mageline Thin and Redness Skin Set
Promotion: Mageline Thin and Redness Skin Set
Promotion: Mageline Thin and Redness Skin Set
Mageline World

Promotion: Mageline Thin and Redness Skin Set

Regular price RM1,214.00 MYR RM0.00 MYR

Promo: Mageline Thin and Redness Skincare set includes:
1 Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion (150ml)
1 Mageline Skin Repair Gel (50g)
1 Mageline Magic Beauty Brightening Facial Mask (10pc/box)
1 Mageline Collagen Tapping Lotion (80ml) 

Free gifts worth RM331
1 travel size Mageline Fairy Eye Cream (5g) 
1 travel size Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion (20ml)
1 travel size Mageline Ultimate Clear Facial Cleanser (15g) 
1pc Mageline Magic Beauty Brightening Facial Mask
Note: Free gift(s) does not overlap with any promotions/VIP discount.

Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion
Further cleanse, reduce dullness and balance skin PH level, effectively penetrate the inner 5 layers of skin to lock in moisture, brightening, deep hydration, prevent white and black heads and balancing the secretion of oil and water. Rich yeast extract to promote metabolism, moisturise the skin, inhibit and reduce the production of melanin. The Witch Hazel extract helps to exfoliate the skin, prevent acne while tightening the pores, reduce dullness and uneven skin tone, soothe and rejuvenate skin. Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin and safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Daily: after cleansing, apply Mageline Extreme Balance Lotion/Toner with a cotton pad, wipe and pat gently over face and neck.

Once or twice weekly: soak the Mageline Big-Sized Makeup Remover Cotton Puffs or compressed face mask sheet with Mageline Extreme Balance Lotion/Toner + Evian water/distilled water (equivalent to the ratio 1:3) to purify skin and boost hydration for your best skin ever, Then unfold the soaked face cotton puffs/mask sheet and place it on your face for 15-20 mins. Ensure to keep the mask moist by adding the balance mixture of 1:3 toner water during the treatment. Suitable for all skin type including sensitive skin, acne-prone skin, pigmentation and congested skin.

Water, fission yeast, butanediol, polyglutamic acid, beta-glucan, yeast polypeptide, mevalonolactone, Lotus Corniculatus flower extract, strawberry (Fragaria Chiloensis Ananassa) Fruit extract, hamamelis viriginana extract, sodium hyaluronate




麦吉丽酵母精萃平衡水是蕴含酵母精华成分的水状保养品,也是修护肌底的精华水. 小分子,更易吸收, 高效渗透皮下五层结构深度补水祛黄,同时平衡水油分泌,丰富的酵母精华能促进新陈代谢,保湿嫩肤,抑制黑色素生成,金缕梅提取物能帮助肌肤排出浊质,减退黯哑,平衡水油,预防痘痘生成,集保湿、美白紧致、嫩肤、平衡水油于一体。焕活肌肤细胞活力, 再造完美肤质。


皮肤干敏, 缺水, 都建议大家多做水疗. 水疗方法: 平衡水1份, 纯净水或者蒸馏水3份, 兑在一起, 也就是1:3的比例, 之后把面膜纸放在里面浸透, 敷在脸部, 15-20分钟即可。在这15-20分钟之内,用面膜刷不停的将剩余的水刷在脸上, 保证在15-20分钟之内脸部面膜必须都是湿湿的。

水、裂殖酵母、丁二醇、聚谷氨酸、β-葡聚糖、酵母菌多肽类、甲瓦龙酸内酯、百脉根(Lotus Corniculatus)花提取物、草莓(Fragaria Chiloensis Ananassa)果提取物、北美金缕梅(Hamamelis Virginiana) 提取物、透明质酸钠等。

Mageline Skin Repair Gel
Repairs damaged skin and soothes sensitive skin. It has magical effect towards repeated acne vulgaris, damaged skin after cosmetic laser treatment and intolerable skin issue. Agave and Chamomile content help to replenish the skin and enhance skin immunity and repair ability. Moisturises and tighten pores. Great for enlarged and coarse pores, sensitive and fragile skin or skin with visible blood capillary. Effective in repairing skin with long term acne issues. Promotes the healing ability of the skin and protecting it from harmful external environment.

After cleansing and applying toner, apply Mageline Skin Repair Gel to your face and pat gently till it's fully absorbed. Suitable for day & night use. Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin and safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Distilled Water, Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Century Plant Leaf Extract, Quercetin, Ceramide, Chamomile, Lactone, Gingkolic Acid, Acrylate, C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Polymer, Propylene Glycol, Glycerol, Triethanolamine, EDTA-2Na.



问题皮肤修复专家 重现健康细腻肌肤 神经酰胺对受损肌肤深度渗入修护, 镇静安抚, 改善脆弱泛红等问题, 针对反复长痘, 美容激光术后受损肌, 耐受性差肌肤有神奇的修护效果, 龙舌兰和洋甘菊能温和补水修护, 柔润肤质, 增强肌肤抵抗力, 标本兼治, 改善肌肤问题, 提升肌肤修护能力, 重塑肌肤健康屏障。

问题肌肤修复家,儿可用. 药专利基因修复啫喱,运用尖端利瑞士🇨🇭最新调节ph术.
:改善毛孔粗大粗糙, 敏感脆弱泛问题调节皮肤油脂分泌,针对长期反复痘、美容激光后受肌肤、激素皮肤有神奇的修复效果。

【主要功效】问题皮肤修复家,重健康细腻肌肤。其中的黄芩:有清燥湿,凉血,解毒功效。主治温病。 关于修复着哩中的成分皮肤的一些作用:








水,甘油,,丙二醇,银杏叶提取物,卡波姆,EDTA 二钠, 黄岑、芦荟、龙舌兰提取物、神经酰胺 等。

Mageline Collagen Tapping Lotion
As you get older and collagen production declines, fine lines, loose skin, and dryness can occur. This Collagen Tapping Lotion provides elasticity to the skin, helping it to appear more youthful and healthy skin. Ability to promote glowing and vibrant skin. It helps in strengthening skin and improving skin elasticity and hydration. It also helps to stimulate the production of new collagen, significantly reducing skin aging, remove dullness, smooth out acne scars and rough skin texture, and keep your skin looking dewy, luminous and translucent. Suitable for all skin types including sensitive skin and safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Apply in the morning and night after cleansing and applying toner.

Water, Oenothera Biennis, Betaine, Butanediol, Hydrolyzed Silk Fibroin, Fucusvesiculous, Yeast Extract, Beta-glucan, Glycyrrhiza Glabra, Morus Alba, Sodium Hyaluronate, Hexapeptide-1, Imperata Cylindrica Major Extract.



补水保湿 补充胶原蛋白 弹力纤维. 胶原蛋白对肌肤有很好的保湿和修护作用. 持续补水锁水, 让肌肤时刻水润. 小分子易吸收, 质地清爽, 深入肌肤底层修护, 有效提升肌肤弹性, 令肌肤饱满紧实, 缔造鲜活面容. 有效去黄气, 长期使用可平整痘坑, 提升气色, 让肌肤变得透亮。












水、月见草, 甜菜碱, 丁二醇, 水解蚕丝蛋白, 水解胶原蛋白锌, 墨角藻取物, 酵母提取物, β-葡聚糖, 光果甘草根提取物、桑树皮提取物, 透明质酸钠, 六肽-1, 白茅根提取物等。

Mageline Magic Beauty Brightening Facial Mask
Deep replenishment of moisture and collagen, brighten skin tone, dilutes acne marks, promotes smooth and silky skin. Its unique cooling sensation - effectively calms and relieves sun damaged skin. It helps exfoliate, clear pores, dry blemishes, and reduce the appearance of redness. Ideal as an all-over mask to treat blemishes and congestion. Repairs skin and suitable for after sun care, sensitive, problematic skin - acnes, whiteheads & blackheads. Suitable for all skin types.

After cleansing, apply Mageline Extreme Balance Lotion or Mageline The Youth Essence Intense Concentrate or Mageline Apple Stem Cell Serum to the face before apply Mageline Magic Beauty Brightening Mask. Leave the mask on for 15 to 20 minutes. Pat the remaining essence into the skin. You may clean the face with water and followed by your usual skincare routine. It is recommended to apply the mask 2-3 times a week for optimal hydration and 5 consecutive days for problematic skin. 

Water, Butylene Glycol, Silk, Glycerin, Sodium Hyaluronate, Allantoin, Hamamelis Virginiana Extract, Hexapeptide-1, Menthyl Lactate, Glycyrrhiza Uralensis Extract, Wheat (Triticum Vulgare) protein, betaine, menthol, nicotinamide, hydrolyzed collagen zinc, oligopeptide-1, arbutin, xanthan gum, etc.

麦吉丽魔力焕颜蚕丝面膜一盒 (10片)

补水嫩肤, 修复(晒后、过敏、粉刺痘痘等. 含丰富的六胜肽原液配合超薄384蚕丝, 深度补水并补充胶原蛋白, 提亮肤色, 淡化痘印, 让肌肤紧致柔滑, 独特冰感配方, 有效镇定舒缓, 修护晒后受损肌肤, 给予肌肤清凉舒适感, 祛痘修护, 密集滋养每寸肌肤。麦吉丽魔力焕颜蚕丝面膜含有明星抗衰成分六胜肽、北美金缕梅、熊果苷等多种精华成分,补水的同时舒缓肌肤,改善干燥,紧致、提亮肤色、消炎祛痘。温和不刺激,舒缓修护镇定效果绝佳,粉刺、痘痘、敏感泛红肌肤必备!

洁面后, 取适量平衡水或青春浓缩精华或苹果干细胞原液打底, 再将面膜敷于面部,15~20分钟后从下往上掀开用清水洗净面部, 然后进行后续肌肤保养。若单独使用焕颜面膜,可无需清洗。建议一周使用3次,问题肌肤也可连续5天密集修复

水 , 丁二醇, 蚕丝, 甘油, 透明质酸钠, 尿囊素, 北美金缕梅(Hamamelis Virginiana)提取物 , 六肽-1, 薄荷醇乳酸酯, 甘草(Glycyrrhiza Uralensis)提取物, 小麦蛋白, 甜菜碱, 薄荷醇, 烟酰胺, 水解胶原蛋白锌, 寡肽-1, 熊果苷, 黄原胶等。


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