Vida Glow’s radiance capsule was formulated specifically to treat areas of hyperpigmented skin resulting in a more even complexion for overall skin tone perfection.
Vida Glow’s radiance capsule was formulated specifically to treat areas of hyperpigmented skin resulting in a more even complexion for overall skin tone perfection.
Vida Glow’s radiance capsule was formulated specifically to treat areas of hyperpigmented skin resulting in a more even complexion for overall skin tone perfection.
Vida Glow’s radiance capsule was formulated specifically to treat areas of hyperpigmented skin resulting in a more even complexion for overall skin tone perfection.
Vida Glow’s radiance capsule was formulated specifically to treat areas of hyperpigmented skin resulting in a more even complexion for overall skin tone perfection.
Vida Glow’s radiance capsule was formulated specifically to treat areas of hyperpigmented skin resulting in a more even complexion for overall skin tone perfection.
Vida Glow’s radiance capsule was formulated specifically to treat areas of hyperpigmented skin resulting in a more even complexion for overall skin tone perfection.
Vida Glow’s radiance capsule was formulated specifically to treat areas of hyperpigmented skin resulting in a more even complexion for overall skin tone perfection.
Vida Glow’s radiance capsule was formulated specifically to treat areas of hyperpigmented skin resulting in a more even complexion for overall skin tone perfection.
Vida Glow’s radiance capsule was formulated specifically to treat areas of hyperpigmented skin resulting in a more even complexion for overall skin tone perfection.
Vida Glow’s radiance capsule was formulated specifically to treat areas of hyperpigmented skin resulting in a more even complexion for overall skin tone perfection.
Mageline World

Vida Glow Radiance (Pigmentation Supplement)

Regular price RM239.00 MYR Sale price RM302.50 MYR

30 capsules/bottle

Vida Glow’s Radiance contains a blend of active antioxidants, plant extracts, vitamins, minerals and carotenoids that support a radiant, healthy complexion. Powered by SkinAx2™, an award-winning formula combining French grape seed and melon extracts, Vida Glow’s Radiance capsule brightens dull complexions, resulting in an even skin tone and illuminated complexion.

Paving the way forward for cellular beauty, Vida Glow Advanced Repair supplements deliver targeted treatment for common beauty concerns. Skin professionals agree that uneven skin tone is one of the lead contributors to the age we appear.

The first from our Advanced Repair Skin range addresses pigmentation and uneven skin tone on a cellular level. Melanin is a natural pigment that determines the colour of our skin.Yet genetics, skin type, sun exposure, injuries to skin and hormone changes can trigger an overproduction of melanin, resulting in uneven, hyperpigmented skin caused by age spots, sunspots, dark spots from acne and dark circles.

Vida Glow’s radiance capsule was formulated specifically to treat areas of hyperpigmented skin resulting in a more even complexion for overall skin tone perfection.

Key Product Benefits:
– Clinically proven to increase skins Luminosity by 26%
– Significantly reduce facial imperfections by 18%
– Reduce the appearance of under eye dark circles by 12%
– Blurs skin imperfections
– Brighten dull complexions
– Awakens tired skin
– Lift and lighten dark spots
– Reduces skin redness
– Reduces appearance of existing pigmentation
– Inhibits development of new pigmentation

Consumers suffering dullness/pigmentation

For Skin Tone Perfection
Skin conditions suitable for:

Hormone induced dark spots common during/after:
– Pregnancy (post-partum melasma)
– Birth Control Pill

Skin discolouration common during/after acne

Dark spots are common from excessive sun exposure

– From stress
– Lack of sleep
– Hereditary

Direction for Use:
-Take 1 capsure once daily with a meal
Suitable for Vegans
Made in Australia  

Learn more about Vida Glow (in English)
Learn more about Vida Glow (in Chinese)

Vida Glow Radiance for pigmentation, freckles, dark spots
Vida Glow 滤镜胶囊


斑点和暗沉是全球女性最常见的肌肤问题之 一,但同时也是最难以根治的问题之一。紫 外线、荷尔蒙、不良饮食以及生活习惯等因 素都会导致色素过度沉着,从而产生斑点等 肤色瑕疵;不仅如此,随着年龄的增长,皮 肤底层堆积的色素还会逐渐浮上表面,导致 斑点逐渐加剧。随着全球消费者对无瑕透亮 肌的日渐热衷,Vida Glow历时18个月研发 出了滤镜胶囊,专为祛瑕提亮、实现肤色管 理而生。

强势入驻20+专业医美机构 被业界称为口服“皮秒” 口服美容行业划时代创新产品.

Vida Glow高级修护系列第一款产品,焕彩亮肤胶 囊,昵称滤镜胶囊,是为了改善肤色而设计。它从 细胞层着手,有针对性地提高皮肤亮度、减少色素 沉着过度和斑点,并改善整体肤色

Vida Glow滤镜胶囊采用了备受赞誉的专利 成分SkinAx2TM,其融合了来自法国香槟产区的葡萄籽和甜瓜提取物,能提亮暗沉的肤 色,令用户肤色均匀、闪耀光采。滤镜胶囊 中富含抗氧化剂、植物提取物、维生素、矿 物质和类胡萝卜素等,多种活性成分协同作 用,共同祛除瑕疵,焕亮皮肤,实现专家级 肤色管理,让用户的肌肤无瑕透亮,有如滤 镜加持。

滤镜胶囊能针对性解决下列各种肌肤瑕疵问 题,实现全方位的专家级肤色管理:

  1. 各种色素沉着造成的肌肤斑点瑕疵
  2. 粉刺痤疮后遗留的痘印问题
  3. 压力、缺乏睡眠导致的黑眼圈
  4. 肤色暗沉不均、局部色素过度沉着
  5. 换季或敏感导致的泛红/红血丝问题


专利成分SkinAx2TM+3大协同成分,全链路触达表皮层-真皮层-皮 下组织,层层修护直达肌底,根源对抗黑色素;

专利成分SkinAx2TM经临床验证,8周肌肤亮度提升26%,面部瑕 疵显著减少18%;滤镜胶囊经临床验证84天皮肤色素沉着减少;

TGA认证,安全无副作用 一天一粒,使用方便.

多数VTN滤镜用户反馈服用1-3个月均看到面部瑕疵有所改善,包 括色斑、肌肤亮度和皮肤细腻度、红血丝、黑眼圈等,区别于市面 上存在短期假白、无效美白等问题的外护类产品;

- 外护美容产品仅能作用于局部,无法作用于全身,容易出现脸部提亮,但身体细节依旧暗沉的问题,滤镜胶囊则可以从头亮到脚,改善全身的肌肤瑕疵;

外护产品成分多为果酸、高浓度VC或者烟酰胺等具有一定刺激性的 成分,包括激光皮秒类产品,敏感肌人群并不适用;滤镜胶囊通过 澳洲最严苛的TGA认证,不会对人体产生刺激,敏感肌同样适用


本品针对18岁以上人士开发,避免在孕期和 哺乳期使用。由于咖啡因可能会影响本品中 维生素和矿物质的吸收,最好与含有咖啡因 的饮料(如咖啡和茶等)间隔一个小时以上 服用。

Vida Glow Radiance


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