Mageline Black Tea and Lavender Mask
Mageline Black Tea & Lavender Mask. perfect remedy for sunburned and sensitive skin, soothing and hydrating, has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties to reduce acne and infection, lighten blemishes and accelerate skin healing process.
Mageline Black Tea & Lavender Mask. perfect remedy for sunburned and sensitive skin, soothing and hydrating, has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties to reduce acne and infection, lighten blemishes and accelerate skin healing process.
Mageline Black Tea & Lavender Mask. perfect remedy for sunburned and sensitive skin, soothing and hydrating, has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties to reduce acne and infection, lighten blemishes and accelerate skin healing process.
Mageline Black Tea & Lavender Mask. perfect remedy for sunburned and sensitive skin, soothing and hydrating, has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties to reduce acne and infection, lighten blemishes and accelerate skin healing process.
Mageline Black Tea & Lavender Mask. perfect remedy for sunburned and sensitive skin, soothing and hydrating, has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties to reduce acne and infection, lighten blemishes and accelerate skin healing process.
Mageline Black Tea & Lavender Mask. perfect remedy for sunburned and sensitive skin, soothing and hydrating, has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties to reduce acne and infection, lighten blemishes and accelerate skin healing process.
Mageline Black Tea & Lavender Mask. perfect remedy for sunburned and sensitive skin, soothing and hydrating, has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties to reduce acne and infection, lighten blemishes and accelerate skin healing process.
Mageline Black Tea & Lavender Mask. perfect remedy for sunburned and sensitive skin, soothing and hydrating, has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties to reduce acne and infection, lighten blemishes and accelerate skin healing process.
Mageline Black Tea & Lavender Mask. perfect remedy for sunburned and sensitive skin, soothing and hydrating, has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties to reduce acne and infection, lighten blemishes and accelerate skin healing process.
Mageline Black Tea & Lavender Mask. perfect remedy for sunburned and sensitive skin, soothing and hydrating, has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties to reduce acne and infection, lighten blemishes and accelerate skin healing process.
Mageline Black Tea & Lavender Mask. perfect remedy for sunburned and sensitive skin, soothing and hydrating, has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties to reduce acne and infection, lighten blemishes and accelerate skin healing process.
Mageline Black Tea & Lavender Mask. perfect remedy for sunburned and sensitive skin, soothing and hydrating, has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties to reduce acne and infection, lighten blemishes and accelerate skin healing process.
Mageline Black Tea and Lavender Mask
Mageline World

Mageline Black Tea and Lavender Mask

Regular price RM20.00 MYR Sale price RM289.00 MYR

Available in 2 sizes: 150g, 10g

Product Descriptions

Instant revitalizing and anti-oxidation for supple and silky skin. Unclogs pores, delivers lasting moisture, soothes damaged skin. Awakens elastic and hydrated skin.

Enriched with 45% natural black tea ferment and France's Provence Lavender extracts, fights against oxidation for clean and refreshed pores, supple and luminous skin.

Selected natural black tea ferment, deeply removes free radical and improves dullness for a radiant glow.

Selected Provence Lavender extracts regulate water-oil balance, shrink large pores, restore supple and tender skin. Improves the circulation by adding oxygen to the skin cells, soothes the skin, natural anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties for problematic skin i.e. acnes, blackheads and whiteheads. It relieves itching and reduces the symptoms of eczema. It also decongests the irritated areas on the skin by adding moisture, thereby accelerating the healing process.

Upgraded biological fermentation technology. Skin savior for damaged skin (Thermus Thermophilus Ferment)
Replenishes needed nutrients, improves damaged skin, restores skin vitality. 

Selected 23 North Latitude Aloe Barbadensis Extract, boosts hydration to fade skin flaws and relieve sunburn skin. It helps defend skin against free radicals and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, and restore radiance to dull skin. Aloe vera extract is the perfect remedy for sunburned and sensitive skin, soothing and hydrating, has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties to reduce acne and infection, lighten blemishes and accelerate skin healing process. 

Method 1: after cleansing face, apply appropriate amount of this gel mask to the face, rinse off with water after 20-30 mins.

Method 2: “Sandwich Mask – Double Hydrating Booster” apply appropriate amount of this gel mask to the face, followed by putting on a piece of Mageline Magic Beauty Brightening Facial Mask on top of the gel mask, leave it on for 20 mins, thereafter rinse off with water.

Water, butylene glycol, silk amino acids, polyglutamic acid, lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia) flowers, Aloe Barbadensis leaf extract, yeast polypeptides, β-glucan, polyglycerol-10, Pueraria Lobata extract, yeast lysate extract, black tea (Camellia Sinesis) extract, Rhodiola Rosea root extract, tocopherol acetate, Lavandula Angustifolia extract, transparent Sodium acid, etc.


富含顶级45%天然红茶酵素法国普罗旺斯薰衣草萃取, 库拉索芦荟, 多种植物精粹. 杀菌, 补水嫩肤, 抗氧化, 疏通毛孔. 调理角质,持久锁水保湿,多效安抚养护受损肌肤, 毛孔净透焕亮,肌肤绽放柔嫩光采!

臻选天然红茶醇萃取, 深层清除自由基,改善肌肤暗沉,肌肤匀净透亮. 有效修复晦暗的肤色.

臻选普罗旺斯薰衣草萃取:调节肌肤水油平衡,收敛粗大毛孔,肌肤重现细嫩柔滑. 天然薰衣草能舒缓肌肤, 多种植物精粹能提升肌肤弹性, 并达到深层修护效果, 紧致肌肤, 让肌肤更加细腻嫩滑, 重塑肌肤天然屏障。使肌肤亮泽通透,修复熬夜和电脑一族的肤色暗哑问题,让肌肤水嫩白皙。

重磅升级尖端生物发酵技术,“受损肌肤救星”, 添加嗜热栖热菌发酵产物,修护多种肌肤受损问题,焕发健康活力. 补充肌肤所需养分,改善多种受损肌肤,焕活健康活力肌.

精选北纬23度库拉索芦荟精华: 蓄满肌肤“小水库“,“擦“净肌肤瑕疵,“拯救”晒后受损肌肤. 祛黄肤色暗哑问题, 重现肌肤柔嫩细致.

有效抗氧赋活,修复晦暗的肤色,舒缓肌肤,调理疏通毛孔,祛黄重现肌肤柔嫩细致,提升肌肤弹性,深层修护效果让肌肤更加细腻嫩滑, 重塑肌肤天然屏障,杀菌除螨,消炎祛痘、淡斑,调节油脂分泌,持久锁水保湿,紧致肌肤, 使肌肤亮泽通透,修复熬夜和电脑一族的肤色暗哑问题,让肌肤水嫩白皙,肌肤时刻莹亮通透.

1. 面部油光,细菌滋生;



水, 丁二醇, 蚕丝氨基酸类, 聚谷氨酸, 薰衣草花, 库拉索芦荟取物, 酵母菌多肽类, β-葡聚糖, 聚甘油-10, 葛根取物, 酵母菌溶胞物提取物, 红茶提取物, 红景天根提取物, 生育酚乙酸酯, 薰衣草提取物, 透明质酸钠等。

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Celine C.
Malaysia Malaysia

Comfortable scent Black Tea Lavender Mask!

I can feel the Instant result....unclogs pores, moisture, soothes, awakens elastic and hydrated skin!!