Mageline Brightening Crystal Clear Set. Skin Lightening, Renewal and Firming. Light creamy texture, silky touching, moist but non-greasy formula. Formulated with precious brightening essence gradients with fresh and lightweight texture, it is absorbed well into the deep skin layer, and can gently, yet effectively hydrate the skin, leaving skin feeling relieved and brightened.
Mageline Brightening Crystal Clear Set. Skin Lightening, Renewal and Firming. Light creamy texture, silky touching, moist but non-greasy formula. Formulated with precious brightening essence gradients with fresh and lightweight texture, it is absorbed well into the deep skin layer, and can gently, yet effectively hydrate the skin, leaving skin feeling relieved and brightened.
Mageline Brightening Crystal Clear Set. Skin Lightening, Renewal and Firming. Light creamy texture, silky touching, moist but non-greasy formula. Formulated with precious brightening essence gradients with fresh and lightweight texture, it is absorbed well into the deep skin layer, and can gently, yet effectively hydrate the skin, leaving skin feeling relieved and brightened.
Mageline Brightening Crystal Clear Set. Skin Lightening, Renewal and Firming. Light creamy texture, silky touching, moist but non-greasy formula. Formulated with precious brightening essence gradients with fresh and lightweight texture, it is absorbed well into the deep skin layer, and can gently, yet effectively hydrate the skin, leaving skin feeling relieved and brightened.
Mageline Brightening Crystal Clear Set. Skin Lightening, Renewal and Firming. Light creamy texture, silky touching, moist but non-greasy formula. Formulated with precious brightening essence gradients with fresh and lightweight texture, it is absorbed well into the deep skin layer, and can gently, yet effectively hydrate the skin, leaving skin feeling relieved and brightened.
Mageline World

Mageline Brightening Luminous Skincare Set

Regular price RM155.00 MYR Sale price RM1,259.00 MYR

Mageline Brightening Luminous Toner 雪颜晶透亮肤水 150ml
Mageline Whitening Dark Spot Fading Essence 淡斑精华露 50ml
Mageline Brightening Luminous Cream 雪颜透亮肤霜 38g

Developed by Japanese master (Prof. Toshio Yanaki), dual bio-fermentation brightening energy, 2.5x enhanced brightening strength. Refreshing and easily absorbed. Promotes skin hydration for deep and lasting moisture. Combats melanin, reveals luminous fair skin. 

Japanese Brightening - Ferment Zymase
Inspired and fermented by ancient method of wine brewing. Improves roughness and dullness. Reveals fair and bright skin.

Japanese Brightening - Ferment Lotus Serum
Fermentation of plant lactic acid bacteria, with renewal actives, effectively brightens for fair skin.

5-dimensional instant glow brightening technology, in golden ratio to release powerful brightening strength; supported by dual bio-fermentation technology for in-depth absorption to brighten skin and fade dark spots and blemishes, revealing even and fair skin from within.

1.  Source Blockade
Deeply inhibits melanin activity. Targets pigmentations and dark spots effectively.

2.  Stops Transfer
Niacinamide up to 99.9% purity , produced by Swiss process. Blocks 68% melanin transfer to surface. Builds up brightening protective wall from within. Pure extraction, mild and non-irritating, suitable for all skin types.

3.  Fights Against Oxidation
Hydrolyzed royal jelly protein removes free radicals and dullness. For fair, bright and firmer skin. Anti-oxidative essence from Japan. Accelerates skin renewal for moisture radiance.

4.   Disintegrates Hyperpigmentation
Portulaca Oleracea extract mildly exfoliates, fades dark spots, acne marks and blemishes.

5.  Hydrates and Brightens
Renewal yeast essence deeply replenishes and retains moisture. Improves roughness and dullness. For tender and brighter skin.

Skin Lightening, Renewal and Firming. Light texture, silky touching, moist but non-greasy formula. Formulated with precious brightening essence gradients with fresh and lightweight texture, it is absorbed well into the deep skin layer, and can gently, yet effectively hydrate the skin, leaving skin feeling relieved and brightened. Adopt bio-fermentation technology for the skin nutrient replenishment, which can visibly improve skin dullness and roughness to waken the flawless and radiant skin. It helps lighten and eliminate pigmentation and even out skin tone, adjust skin pH level, purify skin, and leaving skin hydrated, improve skin elasticity and firmer skin. It also helps promote skin repair, renewal and firm the skin. Besides increased skin brightness and clarity, it also helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, improve your overall appearance and keep you looking younger. Suitable for dry, freckles and pigmentation skin. 

日本梁木利男博士匠心之作, 麦吉丽雪颜晶透三部曲, 革命性美白科技, 精准淡斑祛斑,有效抑制黑色素生成, 深层击退黑色素, 修护暗哑干燥, 莹润滋养好气色. 历时数年研发,净化肌底,提亮肤色,采用多重修护技术,六大对策全方位美白. 活化表皮细胞, 让肌肤恢复到健康的新陈代谢功能, 促进已生成的黑色素排出体外, 从肌底改善肌肤粗糙暗沉,令肌肤匀亮通透. 为肌肤温和补水的同时, 舒缓肌肤, 祛黄淡黑斑, 紧致抗皱, 提亮肤色, 采用生物发酵技术, 为肌肤注入营养水分, 有效改善粗糙暗沉肤质, 深层唤醒无瑕透亮美肌, 日复一日, 肌肤更加纯净细腻. 天然温和, 精选名贵亮肤精华成分—莲籽提取物, 稻米发酵产物滤液, 木糖醇, 甘油, 水解蜂王浆蛋白, 假交替单胞菌发酵产物提取物, 马齿苋提取物, 甘草酸二钾等.

麦吉丽的雪颜晶透系列(美白系列)是日本贵妇级之父—— 梁木利男博士(资生堂前研究所所长、cpb 、安耐晒的研发专家)精心研发. 

来自日本的神奇特酵——京酿清 @ Kyoto 京都招德酒厂制造

京都招德酒厂的酒槽由大米米曲以及这个地区的深层地下水,还有酵母. 不外加任何添加物完全用天然原料,以自然的原生力量所酿造而成。因此酿酒过程中产生的这些酒槽富含天然来源的有机酸、氨基酸等各种对人体有益成分!

Mageline @ Osaka 大阪研发中心
酒槽中含有大量营养成分, 富含丰富的葡糖苷神经酰胺和氨基酸等美容成分. 我们研发团队历经数月, 将已经发酵的酒槽作为原料, 通过多个高尖端设备提取酒槽中的营养成分, 经过经验丰富的研发人员长年累月的研究和多重人体测试, 得到了麦吉丽晶透雪颜系列中最核心的成分 特酵—京酿清. 可以促进肌肤中天然保湿因子的产生, 使其含量增加, 有助于提高皮肤的柔润度, 具有调理作用. 此外, 把白莲子发酵特制而成的特酵——宝莲纯, 可活化表皮细胞, 让肌肤恢复到健康的新陈代谢功能, 促进已生成的黑色素排出体外.
麦吉丽热销美白爆款Mageline Brightening Luminous Skincare 麦吉丽雪颜晶透系列, 日本研发, 从肌底改善肌肤粗糙暗沉,令肌肤匀亮通透. 质地清爽, 轻盈渗透至肌底, 为肌肤温和补水的同时, 舒缓肌肤, 提亮肤色, 采用生物发酵技术, 为肌肤注入营养水分, 有效改善粗糙暗沉肤质, 深层唤醒无瑕透亮美肌, 日复一日, 肌肤更加纯净细腻.精选名贵亮肤精华成分—莲籽提取物, 稻米发酵产物滤液, 木糖醇, 甘油, 水解蜂王浆蛋白, 假交替单胞菌发酵产物提取物, 马齿苋提取物, 甘草酸二钾等. 


Step 1: Mageline Brightening Luminous Toner 麦吉丽雪颜晶透亮肤水 每天早晚洁面之后用整个浸湿化妆棉涂抹肌肤两遍,可以作为二次清洁,还可以迅速为肌肤保湿,促进后续产品的吸收,温和补水的同时舒缓肌肤,提亮肤色。质地清爽,轻盈渗透至肌底,为肌肤 温和补水的同时,舒缓肌肤,提亮肤色,采用生 物发酵技术,为肌肤注入营养水分,有效改善粗 糙暗沉肤质,深层唤醒无瑕透亮美肌,日复一日, 肌肤更加纯净细腻。With fresh and lightweight texture, it is absorbed well into the deep skin layer, and can gently, yet effectively hydrate the skin, leaving skin feeling relieved and brightened. Adopt bio-fermentation technology for the skin nutrient replenishment, which can visibly improve skin dullness and roughness to waken the flawless and radiant skin. It helps lighten skin pigmentation and even out skin tone, purify skin, and leaving skin hydrated, improve skin elasticity and firmer skin. It also helps promote skin repair, renewal and firm the skin. Besides increased skin brightness and clarity, it also helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, improve your overall appearance and keep you looking younger. 

Step 2: Mageline  Whitening Dark Spot Fading Essence 淡斑精华露独家光感黑科技MAGE-WHIT,富含22.11%科学焕亮因子,高起效量添加1500万焕亮精粹,五维高效亮肤,温和提亮不挑肤. 卓效击退暗沉,一瓶开启肌肤自发光模式. 轻润乳液质地,强保湿好吸收, 匀净无瑕,2周透现光感年轻肌‼️

𝟏. 独有先端高科技MAGE-WHIT22.11%亮肤成分科学复配添加,高效温和亮肤

𝟐. 高起效量添加1500焕亮醇母精粹,多维加速肌肤代谢速度,焕新光感年轻肌肤. 硬核亮肤成分,滴滴深透焕亮,多少维加速焕新,唤醒肌肤剔透光采.

𝟑. 99.9%纯度烟酰胺5%高起效量添加,提亮效果比3%浓度更明显,比10%浓度肤感更温和稳定;精纯提炼杂质少,复配泛醇舒缓加持,耐受不刺激,强维稳不挑肤

𝟒. 维科学亮肤,精准狙击沉积

  1. 肌底抑制暗沉生成, 深源预防黑化
  2. 阻止沉积传递到表皮
  3. 温和剥落表皮痘印瑕疵
  4. 抗氧化强韧屏障、抵御污染损伤
  5. 全面加速肌肤代谢焕新,链路式层层焕亮,耀现肌肤无瑕光采

𝟓. 更添加多肽紧致成分,科学温和亮肤的同时更能长效紧致保湿,平滑肌肤纹理,让肌肤匀净、透亮、紧致

𝟔. 轻润乳液质地,一抹快速吸收持久保湿,滋润不油腻,不挑肤质不搓泥

Brighten and even out skin tone in 2 weeks’ time to reveal lustrous younger look! Mageline Instant Glow Revolutionary Technology MAGE-WHIT22.11% brightening factors complex, effectively combats dullness, one bottle to start skin self-illuminating mode. 15 million potent brightening yeast essence99.9% high-purity niacinamide from Switzerland. Radiance brightening ingredients penetrate skin for increased luminosity, multi-dimensionally accelerate renewal, awaken translucent glowing skin. The lightweight emulsion texture is instantly absorbed, fresh and moisturizing, providing lasting moisture and lustre, suitable for all skin types including sensitive skin. Scientifically brightens skin from 5-dimension, precisely targets pigmentation for brightening from inside out. Inhibits dullness in skin and preventing melanin formationPrevents deposition transmission, disintegrating dark deposits. Gently exfoliates acne marks and flaws, re-boosting moisture lustre. Strengthens barrier by anti-oxidation, resisting pollution damage. Overall accelerates renewal and brightens layer by layer, revealing flawless lustre skin.

Step 3:Mageline Brightening Luminous Cream 麦吉丽雪颜透白亮肤霜它可以锁住营养和水分,对于肤色不均,肌肤暗沉有很好的改善,这款一点都不厚重, 在皮肤上非常好推开,推开之后和透明乳液一样,就算油皮都毫无压力~持久保湿一整天,皮肤通透有光泽。深层净化肌底,令肌肤整日莹润亮泽, 轻盈乳霜质地,触感丝滑, 滋润不油腻, 有效改善肤色不均, 净化肌底, 提亮肤色, 同时滋养肌肤, 让肌肤整日莹润亮泽, 富有弹性,由内而外明亮动人, 纯净细腻。Skin Lightening, Renewal and Firming. Light creamy texture, silky touching, moist but non-greasy formula. It helps lighten skin and eliminate pigmentation and even out skin tone, purify skin, and leaving skin hydrated, improve skin elasticity and firmer skin. It also helps promote skin repair, renewal and firm the skin. Besides increased skin brightness and clarity, it also helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, improve your overall appearance and keep you looking younger.

After cleansing, apply Mageline Brightening Luminous Toner > Mageline Brightening Instant Glow Serum > Mageline Brightening Luminous Cream to the Face and Neck, massage gently till it's fully absorbed. 


Water, butylene glycol, diphenylsiloxy phenyl Irirnethl cone, squalane nelumbo nucifera seed extract, rice ferment nitrate (sake), glycerin, hydrogenated palm oil, Cetearyl alcohol, petrolatum, tranexamic acid, peg-30 hydrogenated castor oil, cetyl ethylhexanoate, glyceryl stearate, stearic acid pentylene glycol, hydrolized royal jelly protein, peg-5 glyceryl stearate, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, beeswax, hexylene glycol, Carbomer, potassium hydroxide, disodium edta, caprylhydrxoamic acid.

水, 丁二醇, 二苯基甲硅烷氧基苯基聚三甲基硅氧烷, 角鲨烷, 莲籽提取物, 稻米发酵产物滤液, 水解蜂王浆蛋白, 甘草酸二钾, 蜂蜡等.


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