Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion. This deep hydrating lotion with rich yeast extract effectively helps to further cleanse the skin, reduce dullness and balance skin PH level, effectively penetrate the inner 5 layers of skin to lock in moisture, brightening, deep hydration, prevent whiteheads and blackheads and balancing the secretion of oil and water.
Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion. This deep hydrating lotion with rich yeast extract effectively helps to further cleanse the skin, reduce dullness and balance skin PH level, effectively penetrate the inner 5 layers of skin to lock in moisture, brightening, deep hydration, prevent whiteheads and blackheads and balancing the secretion of oil and water.
Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion. This deep hydrating lotion with rich yeast extract effectively helps to further cleanse the skin, reduce dullness and balance skin PH level, effectively penetrate the inner 5 layers of skin to lock in moisture, brightening, deep hydration, prevent whiteheads and blackheads and balancing the secretion of oil and water.
Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion. This deep hydrating lotion with rich yeast extract effectively helps to further cleanse the skin, reduce dullness and balance skin PH level, effectively penetrate the inner 5 layers of skin to lock in moisture, brightening, deep hydration, prevent whiteheads and blackheads and balancing the secretion of oil and water.
Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion. This deep hydrating lotion with rich yeast extract effectively helps to further cleanse the skin, reduce dullness and balance skin PH level, effectively penetrate the inner 5 layers of skin to lock in moisture, brightening, deep hydration, prevent whiteheads and blackheads and balancing the secretion of oil and water.
Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion. This deep hydrating lotion with rich yeast extract effectively helps to further cleanse the skin, reduce dullness and balance skin PH level, effectively penetrate the inner 5 layers of skin to lock in moisture, brightening, deep hydration, prevent whiteheads and blackheads and balancing the secretion of oil and water.
Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion. This deep hydrating lotion with rich yeast extract effectively helps to further cleanse the skin, reduce dullness and balance skin PH level, effectively penetrate the inner 5 layers of skin to lock in moisture, brightening, deep hydration, prevent whiteheads and blackheads and balancing the secretion of oil and water.
Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion. This deep hydrating lotion with rich yeast extract effectively helps to further cleanse the skin, reduce dullness and balance skin PH level, effectively penetrate the inner 5 layers of skin to lock in moisture, brightening, deep hydration, prevent whiteheads and blackheads and balancing the secretion of oil and water.
Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion. This deep hydrating lotion with rich yeast extract effectively helps to further cleanse the skin, reduce dullness and balance skin PH level, effectively penetrate the inner 5 layers of skin to lock in moisture, brightening, deep hydration, prevent whiteheads and blackheads and balancing the secretion of oil and water.
Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion
Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion
Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion. This deep hydrating lotion with rich yeast extract effectively helps to further cleanse the skin, reduce dullness and balance skin PH level, effectively penetrate the inner 5 layers of skin to lock in moisture, brightening, deep hydration, prevent whiteheads and blackheads and balancing the secretion of oil and water.
Mageline World

Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion

Regular price RM43.00 MYR Sale price RM415.00 MYR

Available in 2 sizes: 150ml, 20ml

Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion

This award winning (Harper's Bazaar Best Essence Lotion Award) deep hydrating lotion with 150 million rich yeast extract effectively helps to further cleanse the skin, reduce dullness and balance skin PH level, effectively penetrate the inner 5 layers of skin to lock in moisture, brightening, deep hydration, prevent whiteheads and blackheads, firming and repairing skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles and balancing the secretion of oil and water.

This PH5.5 essence lotion with rich yeast extract helps to promote metabolism, moisturise the skin, protect skin against blue light, inhibit and reduce the production of melanin. The Witch Hazel extract helps to exfoliate the skin, prevent acne while tightening the pores, reduce dullness and uneven skin tone, soothe and rejuvenate skin. Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin and safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Key features:

150 million yeast essence concentrated in each bottle, which is full of active yeast to awaken youthful skin.

10 times concentrated yeast essence* and 10 major probiotic active ingredients** - Regenerate bright and delicate skin in four weeks

10 major skin care benefits, innovative formula for advanced revitalization of skin, regenerate delicate and bright skin.

Provides 10 high-energy skin care effects, and evens and brightens skin from inside out.

*refers to the filtrate process of saccharomyces/rice ferment in Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion
**refers to 4 probiotics: saccharomyces/rice ferment filtrate, Bifida ferment lysate, Lactococcus ferment lysate, thermus thermophilus ferment; 2 prebiotics:  β-glucan, dextrin; 4 probiotics: mevalonolactone, sodium hyaluronate, oryza sativa (rice) brain extra, polyglutamic acid.

Mageline Brand New Yeast Essence Balance Lotion offers 10 major skin care benefits, and helps you explore the new mystery of yeast skin care: 

  • Balance water and oil level
  • Eliminate blackheads and whiteheads
  • Refine pores
  • Balances micro-ecology of skin
  • Soothes and maintains stability of sensitive skin
  • Smooths skin texture and removes dullness
  • Get rid of uneven skin tone and brighten up tired skin
  • Protects skin from harmful blue rays
  • Firms skin and reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Deeply hydrating and easily absorbed, moisturizes skin deeply and persistently
  • Refreshing texture that leaves no sticky feeling.


  1. Saturate a cotton pad with Mageline Yeast Essence Balance Lotion, apply it on face and avoid eye areas.
  2. Quick Skin Rescue Mask: Mix Yeast Essence Balance Lotion with purified water at a ratio of 1:3. Soak a compressed paper mask in the mixture and apply it on face for 10 mins. Proceed to usual skin care routine.


Water, fission yeast, butanediol, polyglutamic acid, beta-glucan, yeast polypeptide, mevalonolactone, Lotus Corniculatus flower extract, strawberry (Fragaria Chiloensis Ananassa) Fruit extract, hamamelis viriginana extract, sodium hyaluronate



芭莎国际美妆大奖~年度夏季最佳精华水, 十大护肤功效‼️

麦吉丽酵母精萃平衡水, 10倍浓缩发酵,1.5亿酵母精萃,加速补水去暗沉 10大 活性益生物,平衡肌肤微生态 10分钟 即刻舒缓锁水 4周 焕然一新. 平衡水油,改善粉刺闭口,消除痘印效果超级棒, 肌肤立现 细腻 、匀净 、透亮. 不光可以补水保湿,更能平衡水油,修护肌底,提亮肤色,几乎满足你对化妆水的全部想象!这款平衡水含有92.7%精纯高活性酵母精华,透明质酸、北美金缕梅等成分,美白同时深度补水,同时平衡水油分泌,能为肌肤深度补水锁水,打开肌肤吸收通道,加乘后续护肤吸收力!


麦吉丽酵母精萃平衡水是蕴含酵母精华成分的水状保养品,也是修护肌底的精华水. 小分子,更易吸收, 高效渗透皮下五层结构深度补水祛黄,同时平衡水油分泌,丰富的酵母精华能促进新陈代谢,保湿嫩肤,抑制黑色素生成,金缕梅提取物能帮助肌肤排出浊质,减退黯哑,平衡水油,预防痘痘生成,集保湿、美白紧致、嫩肤、平衡水油于一体。焕活肌肤细胞活力, 再造完美肤质。

✅1.5亿酵母精萃, 加速补水去暗沉
✅10大活性益生物, 平衡肌肤微生态
✅10分钟 即刻舒缓锁水保湿
✅ 抵御蓝光损伤,舒缓维稳肌底
✅ 紧实淡纹嫩肤, 饱满有光泽, 4周焕然一新
✅ 肌肤立现 细腻, 匀净, 透亮
✅ 平衡水油, 改善粉刺闭口, 消除痘印
✅ 修护肌底, 美白, 祛黄, 祛暗沉不均匀肤色
✅ 提亮肤色, 满足你对化妆水的全部想象!
✅ 打开肌肤吸收通道,加乘后续护肤吸收力


皮肤干敏, 缺水, 都建议大家多做水疗. 水疗方法: 平衡水1份, 纯净水或者蒸馏水3份, 兑在一起, 也就是1:3的比例, 之后把面膜纸放在里面浸透, 敷在脸部, 15-20分钟即可。在这15-20分钟之内,用面膜刷不停的将剩余的水刷在脸上, 保证在15-20分钟之内脸部面膜必须都是湿湿的。


裂殖酵母、水, 丁二醇、聚谷氨酸、β-葡聚糖、酵母菌多肽类、甲瓦龙酸内酯、百脉根(Lotus Corniculatus)花提取物、草莓(Fragaria Chiloensis Ananassa)果提取物、北美金缕梅(Hamamelis Virginiana) 提取物、透明质酸钠等。


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