Mageline The Youth Essence Intense Concentrate (Combination & Oily Skin)
Mageline The Youth Essence Intense Concentrate (for combination and oil skin). The essence of rare plants to dilute melanin in the deeper layer of skin, improve micro blood circulation, leaving the skin healthy, firm and radiant. Smaller molecules help to improve the absorption rate, nourishing and renewing the aging skin, making the skin supple and improve its elastin while reducing skin pigmentation.
Mageline The Youth Essence Intense Concentrate (for combination and oil skin). The essence of rare plants to dilute melanin in the deeper layer of skin, improve micro blood circulation, leaving the skin healthy, firm and radiant. Smaller molecules help to improve the absorption rate, nourishing and renewing the aging skin, making the skin supple and improve its elastin while reducing skin pigmentation.
Mageline The Youth Essence Intense Concentrate (for combination and oil skin). The essence of rare plants to dilute melanin in the deeper layer of skin, improve micro blood circulation, leaving the skin healthy, firm and radiant. Smaller molecules help to improve the absorption rate, nourishing and renewing the aging skin, making the skin supple and improve its elastin while reducing skin pigmentation.
Mageline The Youth Essence Intense Concentrate (for combination and oil skin). The essence of rare plants to dilute melanin in the deeper layer of skin, improve micro blood circulation, leaving the skin healthy, firm and radiant. Smaller molecules help to improve the absorption rate, nourishing and renewing the aging skin, making the skin supple and improve its elastin while reducing skin pigmentation.
Mageline The Youth Essence Intense Concentrate (for combination and oil skin). The essence of rare plants to dilute melanin in the deeper layer of skin, improve micro blood circulation, leaving the skin healthy, firm and radiant. Smaller molecules help to improve the absorption rate, nourishing and renewing the aging skin, making the skin supple and improve its elastin while reducing skin pigmentation.
Mageline The Youth Essence Intense Concentrate (for combination and oil skin). The essence of rare plants to dilute melanin in the deeper layer of skin, improve micro blood circulation, leaving the skin healthy, firm and radiant. Smaller molecules help to improve the absorption rate, nourishing and renewing the aging skin, making the skin supple and improve its elastin while reducing skin pigmentation.
Mageline The Youth Essence Intense Concentrate (for combination and oil skin). The essence of rare plants to dilute melanin in the deeper layer of skin, improve micro blood circulation, leaving the skin healthy, firm and radiant. Smaller molecules help to improve the absorption rate, nourishing and renewing the aging skin, making the skin supple and improve its elastin while reducing skin pigmentation.
Mageline The Youth Essence Intense Concentrate (for combination and oil skin). The essence of rare plants to dilute melanin in the deeper layer of skin, improve micro blood circulation, leaving the skin healthy, firm and radiant. Smaller molecules help to improve the absorption rate, nourishing and renewing the aging skin, making the skin supple and improve its elastin while reducing skin pigmentation.
Mageline The Youth Essence Intense Concentrate (for combination and oil skin). The essence of rare plants to dilute melanin in the deeper layer of skin, improve micro blood circulation, leaving the skin healthy, firm and radiant. Smaller molecules help to improve the absorption rate, nourishing and renewing the aging skin, making the skin supple and improve its elastin while reducing skin pigmentation.
Mageline World

Mageline The Youth Essence Intense Concentrate (Combination & Oily Skin)

Regular price RM115.00 MYR Sale price RM822.00 MYR

Available in 2 sizes: 35ml, 5ml
For Combination and Oily Skin

Product Descriptions
The essence of rare plants to dilute melanin in the deeper layer of skin, improve micro blood circulation, leaving the skin healthy, firm and radiant. Smaller molecules help to improve the absorption rate, nourishing and renewing the aging skin, making the skin supple and improve its elastin while reducing skin pigmentation.

The full-effect concentrated essence to protect skin against free radicals, leaving skin delicate, soft, smooth and firm. Easily-absorbed small molecules penetrate the skin layer by layer, firming skin, removing dullness, revitalizing skin. Light and easily absorbed, it improves skin dullness and roughness, and injects full energy and vitality into skin. Carnosine, tuber magnatum and leucojum aestivum extracts are added to revitalise and firm skin for rosy and radiant look.

Dispense 1-2 drops of Mageline The Youth Essence Intense Concentrate, and massage your face in an upward motion.

Water, Glycerol, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Hydroxyethyl Cellulose, Arbutin, Sodium Hyaluronate, Panax Ginseng Root Extract, Carthamus Tinctorius Extract, Lilium Candidum Flower Extract

Note: Free gift(s) does not overlap with any promotions/VIP discount.



作为一款全效型浓缩精华,麦吉丽青春浓缩精华, 帮助激活天然胶原蛋白,紧实去暗沉,补水保湿、抚平皱纹,轻松HOLD住不同肤质的肌肤问题,为肌肤注入满满青春能量,从肌底焕发出透白水润、紧致细腻的年轻活力!

独特的五层渗透配方,小分子层层深入加速吸收。激活天然胶原蛋白,密集修护细纹。嫩肤保湿抗皱, 收毛孔, 皙白肌肤, 珍稀植物精粹能够深层淡化黑色素,令肌肤白皙红润紧实健康. 滋养老化肌肤, 减轻皮肤色素沉着, 更新衰老细胞,令肌肤弹润嫩滑.




高科技萃取精华,让成分更安心. 通过高科技萃取技术. 萃取多种天然精华成分,拥有令肌肤拥有透亮感的白花百合. 以及白色钻石之称的白松露。成就最佳修护搭档, 从肌底滋养肌肤。



水、甘油、水解胶原、羟乙基纤维素、熊果苷、透明质酸钠、人参(Panax Ginseng)根提取物、白松露提取物, 红花(Carthamus Tinctorius)花提取物、白花百合(Lilium Candidum)花提取物等。

mageline 3-step skincare

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