Mageline Black Golden Caviar Nourishing Repairing Shampoo
mageline black golden caviar nourishing and repairing shampoo. Deeply cleanses scalp, leaves scalp fresh and clean without residue, hair soft and smooth For dry and damaged hair, mildly cleanses and hydrates scalp, leaves scalp refreshed and moisturised, makes hair stay away from dryness, comb smoothly till the end EU safety standard, free of paraben, silicone, SLES and formaldehyde emissions
mageline black golden caviar nourishing and repairing shampoo. Deeply cleanses scalp, leaves scalp fresh and clean without residue, hair soft and smooth For dry and damaged hair, mildly cleanses and hydrates scalp, leaves scalp refreshed and moisturised, makes hair stay away from dryness, comb smoothly till the end EU safety standard, free of paraben, silicone, SLES and formaldehyde emissions
mageline black golden caviar nourishing and repairing shampoo. Deeply cleanses scalp, leaves scalp fresh and clean without residue, hair soft and smooth For dry and damaged hair, mildly cleanses and hydrates scalp, leaves scalp refreshed and moisturised, makes hair stay away from dryness, comb smoothly till the end EU safety standard, free of paraben, silicone, SLES and formaldehyde emissions
mageline black golden caviar nourishing and repairing shampoo. Deeply cleanses scalp, leaves scalp fresh and clean without residue, hair soft and smooth For dry and damaged hair, mildly cleanses and hydrates scalp, leaves scalp refreshed and moisturised, makes hair stay away from dryness, comb smoothly till the end EU safety standard, free of paraben, silicone, SLES and formaldehyde emissions
mageline black golden caviar nourishing and repairing shampoo. Deeply cleanses scalp, leaves scalp fresh and clean without residue, hair soft and smooth For dry and damaged hair, mildly cleanses and hydrates scalp, leaves scalp refreshed and moisturised, makes hair stay away from dryness, comb smoothly till the end EU safety standard, free of paraben, silicone, SLES and formaldehyde emissions
mageline black golden caviar nourishing and repairing shampoo. Deeply cleanses scalp, leaves scalp fresh and clean without residue, hair soft and smooth For dry and damaged hair, mildly cleanses and hydrates scalp, leaves scalp refreshed and moisturised, makes hair stay away from dryness, comb smoothly till the end EU safety standard, free of paraben, silicone, SLES and formaldehyde emissions
mageline black golden caviar nourishing and repairing shampoo. Deeply cleanses scalp, leaves scalp fresh and clean without residue, hair soft and smooth For dry and damaged hair, mildly cleanses and hydrates scalp, leaves scalp refreshed and moisturised, makes hair stay away from dryness, comb smoothly till the end EU safety standard, free of paraben, silicone, SLES and formaldehyde emissions
mageline black golden caviar nourishing and repairing shampoo. Deeply cleanses scalp, leaves scalp fresh and clean without residue, hair soft and smooth For dry and damaged hair, mildly cleanses and hydrates scalp, leaves scalp refreshed and moisturised, makes hair stay away from dryness, comb smoothly till the end EU safety standard, free of paraben, silicone, SLES and formaldehyde emissions
mageline black golden caviar nourishing and repairing shampoo. Deeply cleanses scalp, leaves scalp fresh and clean without residue, hair soft and smooth For dry and damaged hair, mildly cleanses and hydrates scalp, leaves scalp refreshed and moisturised, makes hair stay away from dryness, comb smoothly till the end EU safety standard, free of paraben, silicone, SLES and formaldehyde emissions
mageline black golden caviar nourishing and repairing shampoo. Deeply cleanses scalp, leaves scalp fresh and clean without residue, hair soft and smooth For dry and damaged hair, mildly cleanses and hydrates scalp, leaves scalp refreshed and moisturised, makes hair stay away from dryness, comb smoothly till the end EU safety standard, free of paraben, silicone, SLES and formaldehyde emissions
Mageline Black Golden Caviar Nourishing Repairing Shampoo
Mageline Black Golden Caviar Nourishing Repairing Shampoo
Mageline World

Mageline Black Golden Caviar Nourishing Repairing Shampoo

Regular price RM90.00 MYR RM0.00 MYR

Size: 500ml, 220ml, 80ml

Cleansing and Hydrating Scalp | Hair Smooth and Lustrous

  • Deeply cleanses scalp, leaves scalp fresh and clean without residue, hair soft and smooth
  • For dry and damaged hair, mildly cleanses and hydrates scalp, leaves scalp refreshed and moisturised, makes hair stay away from dryness, comb smoothly till the end
  • EU safety standard, free of paraben, silicone, SLES and formaldehyde emissions

Balancing Scalp Microbiome | Skincare-level Nourishing Scalp | Revealing Silky Lustre

  • Siberian black golden caviar repairing energy, innovative silicone-free technology MER-Scex.
  • Excellent repairing and renewing energy empowers youthful vitality to the scalp, leaving hair elastic and resilient
  • Effectively repairs damage such as dryness and dullness, brings natural lustre and smoothness

Concentrated Premium Repairing Extracts | Awakening Scalp Vitality

  • Protects sebum membrane of scalp, fortifies hair barrier
  • Moisturises scalp and balances water-oil level, maintains scalp healthy environment
  • Mildly hydrates and repairs damage, revitalises strong, soft and smooth hair

Custom fragrance by international fragrance master

  • Upon touch, lastingly infuses your hair with its enchanting scent
  • Fresh top notes: aquatic, green, floral
  • Rich heart notes: jasmine, tuberose, ylang ylang, rose, orris
  • Soothing base notes: ambery, frankincense, bouquet

take appropriate amount of the shampoo to lather well, cleanse and massage scalp in circular motions, gently rub from hair roots through to ends to cleanse the hair strands.


净润皮 | 洗出柔顺莹

复配硫酸SLES配方,弱酸性无硅油,度高达99.5%以上,深层净澈无残留.针对干枯受损发质,温和净润头境, 皮清爽水不干,秀发远离干一梳到底.研平衡皮微生,奢享级头皮养新体验. 平衡头皮微生态,护肤式奢润头皮秀发如丝绸般水光亮泽



加特卓效修力与新生力,皮年有活力,发丝弹韧如新. 养无残留,保湿滋润头皮,有效修干枯黯损伤,秀女神柔高光. 

凝聚4大修活性珍萃,条皮生命力,秀如初. 护头皮皮脂膜,固秀屏障功能. 润头皮平衡水油,皮健康境. 温和养修护损伤,秀发焕启柔韧顺弹. 




专研头皮抗者,奢养秀发,焕活头皮年轻力,奢养健康闪耀秀发, 护肤般奢养头皮发丝.


添加高新技原料MER-SCEX ™️制得米脂体,无硅油科技,皮生机,滋润调发丝盈不油,洗后更清爽舒适。

弱酸平衡:格把控PH5.5-6.5 间处在健康境.. 安全天然,无防腐无添加无硅油. 敏感皮和孕的可以放心使用. 









生素:生素A, B, C, D, E, B1, B2, H




Importance of Scalp Care - Face Aging is Bad, but Scalp Aging is even Worst, learn more at


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